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06-06-2005, 07:18 PM
H.R. 1528

You're at a party. Someone passes you a joint. You take a toke, or maybe you don't; either way, you politely pass the joint along to the next guy who unbeknownst to you has been through a drug treatment program. Guess what, you've just earned yourself a minimum five-year prison sentence.

Even worse, unbeknownst to you, he's under 18, thus adding another 10 years to your sentence.

It's possible, of course, that you won't get caught committing this heinous crime; however, unbeknownst to you, a neighbor who showed up at the front door to complain about the noise saw you pass the joint. If he doesn't report the incident to the police within 24 hours, he could earn a minimum two-year sentence. Not being the kind of guy to take chances, he immediately calls the police.

The above nightmare scenario could become reality if Congress passes H.R. 1528, Defending America's Most Vulnerable: Safe Access to Drug Treatment and Child Protection Act of 2005.

Read more about this monstrosity (there are many more ramifications than described in the above scenario):

Sensenbrenner's Snitch-or-Go-to-Jail Bill http://propagandamatrix.com/articles/june2005/030605snitchorjail.htm

courtsey: www.mackwhite.com (thanks for keepin up the good fight)

06-06-2005, 07:22 PM
It never ceases to amaze me... the insanity of the U.S. Government.