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View Full Version : Listen to Janeane Garofalo!

06-05-2005, 09:07 PM
This is plageurized from another newsgroup, posted it here because we might be able to help Jeneane out, maybe get her ratings up, etc. Turn on your GD radios people!!!!!

I'm not a big fan of Air America radio, as most of it is just the same old left-gatekeeper stuff.
But I have to say I've been highly impressed with Janeane Garofalo lately! She's on from 6 - 9pm central time with co-host Sam Cedar. Their show is called Majority Report.
For several weeks now, Janeane hasn't let a show go by without some criticism of the official 911 story. And she keeps getting more & more critical of it. She's discussed the CIA insider trading/Airline put options, she's discussed NORAD being ordered to stand down, she's discussed Bin Laden being CIA, she's discussed PsyOps and mind control, etc. She's had guests on from Guerilla News Network, who've been producing 911 skeptic material for years now. She's done everything but come out & shout: "911 was an inside job!" A couple weeks ago she said; "I think I'm turning into a conspiracy theorist". Then, a couple days ago she said: "Maybe the conspiracy theorists aren't crazy after all." She even promoted William Cooper's book "Behold a Pale Horse"!

But guess what? Her show is in danger. In a recent Rolling Stone article, they said that her show had the weakest ratings on the network. Probably bullshit. They probably just want an excuse to cancel her.

She's almost a 100% toward coming on board the 911 truth movement. Help her out by sending good 911 info & writing the show at http://www.majorityreportradio.com.

06-05-2005, 09:19 PM
FYI, you can listen to Air America by clicking on the YBBSRadio link on the top of your page!!!

Lets help this no talent actress out!!!

06-05-2005, 10:10 PM
She would make a great outlet.

06-05-2005, 10:45 PM
FYI, you can listen to Air America by clicking on the YBBSRadio link on the top of your page!!!

Lets help this no talent actress out!!! She's a funny comedian. I catch her on Comedy channel some. I am big jon Stewart fan also.

06-05-2005, 10:48 PM
Jon is very good...



06-05-2005, 10:57 PM
SBG had the idea to blast Jon with requests to have Dr. David Ray Griffin on...

06-06-2005, 09:23 AM
SBG had the idea to blast Jon with requests to have Dr. David Ray Griffin on...
Jon is on stern a lot too isn't he?

06-06-2005, 09:58 AM
I think that she is SOOOO hot. I don't know why either. She's not one of your "pretty" people, but DAMN...

06-06-2005, 10:26 AM
I think that she is SOOOO hot. I don't know why either. She's not one of your "pretty" people, but DAMN...
I don't even know who she is??? I've heard of her but thats it.

06-06-2005, 10:32 AM


06-06-2005, 10:33 AM
Her interview with Bill O'Reilly..


06-06-2005, 03:05 PM

She don't look too bad, if she's got a brain in her head even better!!!

911=inside job
06-06-2005, 05:28 PM
ya sbg, she is only hot to us because she is funny and smart.. lol...

randi rhodes has been doing the same shit for a few weeks now.... they would come right out and say it if they werent worried about their jobs.... at least theyre not hanging up on callers for saying something about 911 being an inside job like the dude ed shultz(sp?lol) who is on from 12 to 3.. he use to be a right winger and switched.... i dont like him...although i have to like anyone that talks shit about bush all day because it wakes people up a bit but i hate when he stops a caller from saying something he does not agree with...

randis board now has a 911 sub fourm.... i guess its better then putting all the 911 threads in the conspiracy fourm...

06-06-2005, 06:18 PM
ya sbg, she is only hot to us because she is funny and smart.. lol...

randi rhodes has been doing the same shit for a few weeks now.... they would come right out and say it if they werent worried about their jobs.... at least theyre not hanging up on callers for saying something about 911 being an inside job like the dude ed shultz(sp?lol) who is on from 12 to 3.. he use to be a right winger and switched.... i dont like him...although i have to like anyone that talks shit about bush all day because it wakes people up a bit but i hate when he stops a caller from saying something he does not agree with...

randis board now has a 911 sub fourm.... i guess its better then putting all the 911 threads in the conspiracy fourm...
I haven't been back to Randi Rhodes since I signed up,since they made you wait before posting. I'll have to check it out.

Wasn't Randi Rhodes the guitarist for Ozzy or something????