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View Full Version : U.S. Ambassador To Venezuela Defends Terrorist

06-05-2005, 11:48 AM
US Ambassador to Venezuela Defends Terrorist


(Gold9472: This is actually a pretty big story)

Caracas, Jun 4 (Prensa Latina) The US Ambassador to Venezuela William Brownfield -in contrast to the majority of Venezuelans- has defended the terrorist of Cuban origin, Luis Posada Carriles, responsible for the bombing of a Cuban airliner in 1976 killing 73 passengers.

Ambassador Brownfield defended the alleged innocence of Posada Carriles -who is running away from Venezuelan justice- in an interview to Panorama newspaper in Maracaibo.

Despite Venezuela´s official request of preventive detention to extradite runaway Posada Carriles and denied by the US government, Brownfield insisted that Venezuela did not issue a formal request.

The diplomat said his government still considers that Posada Carriles is not a terrorist and is presumed innocent until a formal trial proves the contrary.

The unusual Brownfield defense of the terrorist is in contrast with the generalized demand of the Venezuelan society in favor of the extradition of Posada Carriles.

All the political parties represented in the Venezuelan Congress want the extradition of the notorious criminal. Venezuelan politicians and observers consider the administration of George W. Bush is trying to evade the Venezuelan request that aims to continue the prosecution interrupted by Posada´s escape from prison in 1985.

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez and other officials have said that the US attitude is evidence of the White House´s double standards regarding the fight against terrorism, only pursuing those with political positions contrary to Washington´s.