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09-23-2009, 05:16 PM
Scott Horton Interviews Philip Giraldi & Joe Lauria


Click Here (http://dissentradio.com/radio/09_09_22_giraldi_lauria.mp3)

Philip Giraldi & Joe Lauria discuss the MSM’s refusal to investigate Sibel Edmonds’s blockbuster allegations, the wide and deep bipartisan corruption at the highest levels of U.S. government, how big media’s money and influence is needed to assist in pushing the story forward, the close working relationship between the American-Turkish Council and AIPAC and how Douglas Feith and Richard Perle helped turn U.S. government officials into foreign intelligence assets.

Philip Giraldi’s interview of Sibel Edmonds, titled “Who’s Afraid of Sibel Edmonds,” is available at The American Conservative. Joe Lauria co-wrote a series of articles on the Sibel Edmonds case for the London Times in 2008.

Philip Giraldi is a former CIA and DIA counter-terrorism officer, member of the American Conservative Defense Alliance and contributing editor at The American Conservative magazine. His “Smoke and Mirrors” column is a regular feature on Antiwar.com.

Joe Lauria is a New York-based independent investigative journalist. A freelance member of the Sunday Times of London Insight team, he has also worked on investigations for the Boston Globe and Bloomberg News. Joe’s articles have additionally appeared in The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Daily Telegraph, The Daily Mail, The Guardian, The Montreal Gazette, The Johannesburg Star, The Washington Times, New York Magazine, ARTnews and other publications.