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08-26-2009, 09:04 AM
Pakistanis suffered most at the hands of al-Qaeda: Top US defence official


Sami Abraham
Updated at: 1755 PST, Wednesday, August 26, 2009

WASHINGTON: US Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defence for Pakistan and Afghanistan David Sedney has said That United States and Pakistan share the common goal of destroying al-Qaeda which was out there at Pak-afghan boarder trying to create another 9/11 like catastrophe.

Speaking exclusively to The News and Geo, here at the Pentagon Mr. David Sedney said that no nation has suffered at the hands of al-Qaeda the way Pakistanis have suffered after 9- 11 attacks and United states not only acknowledges but appreciates the courage and bravery of the Pakistani people and security forces with which they have put up a fight against al-Qaeda .

Mr. David Sedney, responding to a question, acknowledged that there was a shortfall of military supplies to the Pakistanis but United States was working very hard to provide to Pakistani security forces whatever was needed in fight against al-Qaeda in the rugged mountains along side Pak-afghan border. He said the situation has improved and the Pakistani officials , he met during last several weeks, did appreciate the cooperation of united States in this regard.

When asked if there was any possibility that Pakistan would get Drones technology in near future, Mr. David Sedney said that both Pakistan and United States were engaged in expanding cooperation on the question of military supplies and technology transfer but it was not possible for him to discuss it publically. However, ha said , I can tell you that the cooperation between the two countries was increasing on the question of technology transfer.

Mr. Sedney did not agree to the question that drones technology was not being provided to Pakistan due to Indian pressure on the United states and said there was a misperception in the Pakistan about the United States because of the Pakistani media. He said his colleagues and most of Pakistani American friends have told him that situation, on the ground, even in FATA areas was different from what was being painted in the Pakistani press.

Mr. Sedney agreed, in response to a query, that the reimbursement process of support funds to Pakistan has been slowed in the past. He said one must understand that we were dealing with bureaucracies of two countries which have their own set of rules and regulations. Though there was a long way ahead but things have improved and a few last payments were made faster, he added.

When asked why the US officials were asking Pakistanis to believe that biggest threat to Pakistan was from terrorists and not from India whereas all the issues, which had resulted in three wars between the two countries were still pending. Mr. Sedney said that it was not his job to tell Pakistanis to believe or not who was the biggest threat for them. He said he believed that terrorists, who gathered along side Pak-afghan boarder posed a great danger not only to the United States but the whole world including Pakistan and if they were not destroyed the world should be ready to meet any eventuality.

Responding to another query David Sedney said that Pak-US relations were not confined only to the security related issues. United States was finding ways to help stabilize Pakistani economy and overcome the current energy crises and also referred to the recent statement s of ambassador Holbrooke's statements in this regard during his recent visit to Pakistan. He said that he understands that Pakistan also enjoys special relations with China. All three countries, china, United States and Pakistan have special role to play to bring peace and prosperity in the region, he added.

Mr. Sedney said that the past US decision of putting military sanctions on Pakistan was not a right one because they resulted in creating gulf between the forces of two countries. He said it was very important to increase cooperation between the security forces of the two countries. More the forces know about each other greater will be the result of joint operations, he added.

Mr. Sedney, when asked that the assistance being provided to the Pakistan, which is called a front line state in war against terror, was like peanuts in comparison to what was being poured into Afghanistan and Iraq, said that it was incorrect to describe the aid to Pakistan as peanuts because the situation in Iraq and Afghanistan, where all the infrastructure was destroyed completely, could not be compared with Pakistan. He said Pakistan needed only assistance whereas in Iraq and Afghanistan institutions and infrastructure needed to be built from scratch.