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View Full Version : Filmmaker And 9/11 Truth Activist John Albanese Endorses NYCCAN

07-23-2009, 03:02 PM
Is it time to endorse NYC CAN?

70,000 signatures. A groundswell of endorsements from some of the most prestigious and well-respected names in and out of the 9/11 Truth movement, anti-war movement, government and military officials, and, most importantly, the victim’s families.

Whether one agrees or disagrees with the underlying language, history and personalities of those involved, it cannot be disputed that NYC CAN represents perhaps the most unified and historic groundswell of public support for a 9/11 investigation in the history of the 9/11 Truth movement. We cannot turn our backs on the self-evident nature of this historic collaboration.

For this reason I can no longer withhold my endorsement.

I am well aware of the problems inherent in this initiative. As one of the last few holdouts in the 9/11 Truth community, I too was deeply concerned with various aspects of this initiative. But, in many respects the widespread attention, and unifying character of the many endorsements, and the community outreach associated with the initiative, makes this not just a referendum on the events of 9/11, but also a virtual referendum on the nature of the 9/11 Truth movement itself.

With so much widespread support and exposure NYC CAN will once and for all create a high-profile platform for an open and honest dialogue – not just about the events of 9/11 – but about OURSELVES - and our ability to maintain our dignity and credibility as a movement in the face of what will invariably be organized efforts to disrupt our efforts – from without and within.

At this we cannot fail. We cannot ignore the call of 70,000 New Yorkers, and countless others worldwide, who have taken a stand for creating this unique platform for truth.

It is for this reason that I would like to announce my full endorsement for the NYC CAN, and my intentions to work towards publicly supporting and promoting this initiative.

But, to those among us who may seek to discredit or diminish our efforts, please know that the public endorsements of so many people has created a unique mandate for credibility. This is in fact a PEOPLE’S initiative.

I, for one, welcome this historic moment in the 9/11 Truth Movement, because the unique unity this initiative has created now shines a very powerful spotlight – not just on the events of 9/11 – but on the credibility and nature of our own efforts.

It is my hope that we, as a community, can prevail. It is my hope that this spotlight will once and for all exorcise out the full truth behind, not just 9/11, but about who we are as a community and what we stand for, and who and what we allow to represent our cause. It goes without saying that, should this initiative pass, a considerable amount of public HOPE and SCRUTINY will become focused on those entrusted with the sacred task of breathing life into the investigation. Let us hope they do not fail us.

We have only one shot at gaining credibility in the public's eye – and NYC CAN affords us a very powerful public forum for determining for ourselves, once and for all, if we can discern fact from fiction – and friend from foe.

This, I can fully endorse.

John Albanese is a New York City filmmaker ("Everybody's Gotta Learn Sometime") and one of the earliest members (2003) of New York 911 Truth.