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View Full Version : Bill Doyle, Father Of Joseph Doyle, Endorses A New 9/11 Investigation In NYC

07-16-2009, 09:25 AM
Bill Doyle, Father of Joseph Doyle, Endorses a New Investigation in NYC

July 15, 2009

For eight years I have lobbied and supported investigations and litigation in an effort to learn the whole truth behind the death of my son Joseph and the murder of so many others. I've always been hopeful we'd get the answers we deserve and that we'd see accountability exacted within the halls of Congress, the White House, DoD, CIA, FBI, State and Justice Departments.

However, there are still too few answers to too many questions even as promotions and medals are handed out rather than pink slips or prosecutions. Excessive secrecy and redactions still cover-up the truth and leave us in the dark about: terrorist financing from still unnamed foreign nations, suspicious pre-9/11 stock market activity, pre-9/11 warnings to the President, the Attorney General and others, the infamous 28 pages of the Joint Inquiry Report, The Holy Land Trial, Riggs Bank wire transfers, faulty NYFD radios that didn't work in '93, Ground zero toxins breathed by thousands, a 9/11 narrative derived from torture induced testimony, etc., etc. I could go on and on.

No American who believes in his country should settle for being in the dark about all this over seven years after the event. I won't and I can't for the sake of my son and for the country. For this reason I feel compelled to support a new investigation in NYC led by family members and others who will produce an accounting we can be proud of.

Three thousand dead civilians. A President who refused to testify before the 9/11 Commission. And now, how many dead soldiers? How many first responders dying of diseases without help from their government? What a sham. What a tragedy .

Please join our effort and support NYC CAN and the 9/11 ballot referendum now.

Bill Doyle -Father of Joseph
WTC tower 101st fl.-- Cantor-Fitzgerald