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05-27-2009, 10:19 AM
Announcement: Project Expose MSM


Sibel Edmonds

We all have been tirelessly screaming about issues related to Congressional leaders abdicating their main responsibility of ‘oversight.’ We have been outraged for way too long at seeing ‘no’ accountability whatsoever in many known cases of extreme wrongdoing. I, and many of you, believe that the biggest reason for this was, and still is, the lack of true journalism and media coverage -- which acts as the necessary pressure and catalyst for those spineless politicians on the Hill and in the Executive branch. Or, at least it's supposed to. So, in our book, the MSM has been the main culprit.

Well, here is a chance to turn the tables.

At my new blog, 123 Real Change, I'm happy to present an experimental project, Project Expose MSM, to provide readers with specific mainstream media blackout and/or misinformation cases based on documented and credible first-hand experiences of legitimate and credible sources and whistleblowers.123 Real Change is inviting all members of the National Security Whistleblowers Coalition, other active (covert or overt) government whistleblowers, and reporters, to publish their experiences in regard to their own first-hand dealings with the media, where their legit disclosures were either intentionally censored/blacked out or tainted.

Yes, we will be naming names. Myself included.

In the absence of the real investigative journalism and unbiased independent media we need, this is one way to set the record straight. Not only that, we also know there are many potential whistleblowers out there who are seeking ‘trust-worthy’ reporters/publications in order to inform the public. At the same time, many of us in the whistleblower community have learned the hard way that there are many reporters and publications who should be avoided. It is our responsibility to offer those whistleblowers guidance based on our own knowledge and experience, and maybe save them from some of the traps we ourselves fell into.

Project Expose MSM will select and publicize legitimate, credible, and documented/witnessed stories. It will provide a forum for those with first-hand experience to share their stories with the public. It will raise awareness and allow people to discuss these cases openly. And hopefully it will help to foster improvements to the current, sorry state of our MSM by bringing the wrongs to light.


To read the rest visit: www.123realchange.blogspot.com (http://www.123realchange.blogspot.com)

Sibel Edmonds