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View Full Version : Attention 9/11: Press For Truth Fans

04-13-2009, 03:05 PM
Attention 9/11: Press For Truth Fans

Dear Fans:

The makers of Press For Truth are reaching out to you, our loyal supporters, to help get our next project off the ground. We need matching funds for an important new project -- investors, loaners, or donors. Any amount will help. If you are interested in a business opportunity, or have a "rich uncle" you can approach on our behalves, you would be doing your part to help us investigate a major story of possible criminal wrongdoing by a number of individuals within the United States government.

Press For Truth was an underground hit seen by nearly 10,000 people theatrically, 1 million people on the Internet, and over 10 million people on televisions in twenty-eight nations around the world. Countless others have rented the movie from Netflix, viewed it at a Brave New Theaters house party, or watched it at a film festival. More than 20,000 homes have the DVD sitting on their video racks. Over 3,000 new visitors each month discover the web site. And the movie recently made its iTunes debut at #8 for Documentaries.

For over a year now, the filmmakers have been researching and developing a new theatrical documentary entitled Footnote 44. In our original, unreleased interview with 9/11 Commission Chairman Tom Kean, he referred to the incident in question as "one of the most troubling aspects of our entire report -- that particular thing." Former White House Counter-Terror Adviser Richard Clark believes it is the particular area of 9/11 that strongly warrants further investigation. Famed CIA agent Bob Baer (basis for George Clooney's character in Syriana) has told us he concurs. So do "the Jersey Girls", the widows at the center of Press For Truth. And according to Pulitzer Prize-winning author Lawrence Wright, "half of the Bureau" (the FBI) also believes something is terribly wrong here.

To find out what they're all so worked up about, please email producer Ray Nowosielski at Ray@BandedArtists.com, subject: "Footnote 44". We have a teaser trailer and business plan available to those who appear serious about being involved with the project. If you don't help us make Footnote 44, those responsible for this cover up may never be held accountable.

The Press For Truth Team

04-13-2009, 06:19 PM
It sounds like Ray is looking for people with big money, not a bunch of small donations. But why not set up a Chip-in thingy for small donations?

04-13-2009, 06:34 PM
As I commented on blogger (but my comments are in the que), that's a good idea.