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03-30-2009, 07:40 PM
The U.S. Government "Finally" Discovers The ISI's Link To Terrorism

Jon Gold

On March 25th, 2009, the New York Times reported (http://www.nytimes.com/2009/03/26/world/asia/26tribal.html?_r=3&ref=world) that the Taliban gets "direct support from operatives in Pakistan's military intelligence agency" [...] ACCORDING TO AMERICAN GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS (emphasis mine).

According to President Obama, these revelations "aren't new (http://rawstory.com/news/afp/Obama_vows_no_pursuit_by_US_troops__03292009.html) ." As it turns out, he's right.

Over the years, there have been so many reports about the ISI's connection to 9/11, and to terrorism. The U.S. Government has been confronted (http://www.911independentcommission.org/questions.html) on this issue on more than one occasion (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2QEOniUzb6k), and yet, NOW they are miraculously discovering this connection.

Are people like Paul Thompson (http://www.historycommons.org/timeline.jsp?timeline=complete_911_timeline&geopolitics_and_9/11=isi), the makers of 9/11: Press For Truth (http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=3979568779414136481), and myself (http://visibility911.com/jongold/?cat=14), just that much smarter, and better researchers than your average CIA analyst whose job it is to know these kinds of things? The answer to that question is no. And if your average CIA analyst knows of this information, then so does their boss, and their boss, and their boss, and eventually even our elected officials know this. So why then have they ignored this relationship?

In 9/11: Press For Truth, Paul Thompson asks a very pertinent question. "The question to me is, who else was involved with Al-Qaeda? Was Al-Qaeda used as a tool? Just as in the 1980's the Mujahadeen were used by the U.S. Government?"

On April 3rd 2007, ABC News reported (http://blogs.abcnews.com/theblotter/2007/04/abc_news_exclus.html) that "a Pakistani tribal militant group responsible for a series of deadly guerrilla raids inside Iran has been secretly encouraged and advised by American officials since 2005, U.S. and Pakistani intelligence sources tell ABC News." [...] "Pakistani government sources say the secret campaign against Iran by Jundullah was on the agenda when Vice President Dick Cheney met with Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf in February."

Knowing that, knowing about the allegations of bribery (http://visibility911.com/jongold/?p=605), knowing about Danny Pearl (http://visibility911.com/jongold/?p=14), knowing about the CIA's connection (http://visibility911.com/jongold/?p=368) to the ISI, and knowing everything else that has been reported over the years, it's not hard to figure out why the ISI's involvement with terrorism has been ignored. At least, it's not hard to "theorize" about why it has been ignored.

Because the relationship between the ISI and terrorists is advantageous to elements within the U.S. Government, and to other Governments as well.

As Paul Thompson asked, I wonder if anyone took advantage of that relationship for 9/11? In my opinion, it's certainly not out of the realm of possibilities.