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02-07-2009, 04:36 AM
I Have To Give Credit When Credit Is Due

Jon Gold

Yesterday, President Obama met (http://www.yourbbsucks.com/forum/showthread.php?t=20311) with several 9/11 Family Members. Those that are familiar to us would be Sally Regenhard, Lorie Van Auken, Mindy Kleinberg, Patty Casazza, and Kristen Breitweiser.

Washington Post reports (http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/02/06/AR2009020603516.html?hpid=topnews):

Lorie Van Auken, a leader of September 11th Advocates, a group headed by four New Jersey women who lost their husbands in the attacks, called the meeting "impressive," saying Obama gave detailed answers to their questions and allayed many of their concerns. She said the president did not rule out some form of military commissions in the future and acknowledged shortcomings in dealing with terrorism suspects in regular criminal courts.

"He acknowledged this was quite a mess and it really needed to be looked at by his legal team and by him," said Van Auken, whose husband, Kenneth Van Auken, was killed in the World Trade Center and whose group supports closing Guantanamo Bay. "I think everybody recognized, no matter which side of the issue they're on, that this is a quagmire that will not be solved easily."

Mindy Kleinberg, another member of the group, said Obama also made clear that "nobody is just going to get freed by the closing of Guantanamo."

"I think the point was that you have to make sure they have a system in place that can actually work," said Kleinberg, whose husband, Alan Kleinberg, also died in the World Trade Center. "I think even the people who came to the meeting who wanted to keep it open could understand his point of view." Sally Regenhard had this to say (http://www.yourbbsucks.com/forum/showpost.php?p=96416&postcount=9):
"He said that he's going to make sure that justice is done regarding the terrorists," she said in a telephone interview. "And we'll have an open line of communication with the White House regarding the family members. That's revolutionary."

"He assured us that he wants the same things that we want," Regenhard added.Now, I'm no fan of President Obama, but the fact that he was willing to give time to the families, and promised them "an open line of communication with the White House" is as Sally Regenhard said, "revolutionary." Especially when you take into account how the previous White House treated the 9/11 families.

So thank you President Obama for giving them the time of day.