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11-28-2008, 12:37 AM
Reflections On Gratitude And Resistance By Janice Matthews

Janice and I at the 2005 Emergency Truth Convergence in D.C.


Thank you!!

Five years ago tomorrow the 9/11 Visibility Project began, in Kansas City and Seattle, holding weekly vigils asking America to support the 9/11 Families in their efforts to demand an investigation of the events of 9/11. For the next 18 months, Kansas City was in the streets every single weekend with signs, flyers, outrage, and courage as we watched the families' success in forcing the creation of the Commission turn to deception upon deception. City after city began to join us, the Eleventh of Every Month campaign kicked off with monthly actions, groups like Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, We Are Change, and so many others came to life. As we came to realize we were never really going to "reform" the media, we became the media instead, through radio shows, independent newspapers, public access tv productions, dvd, book, and flyer creation, and perhaps most importantly, person to person communication of real truths their corporate media was not telling them.

We have succeeded much more than we usually recognize. In spite of our government "catapulting the propaganda" and their media minions continuing to assist in making sure the lies are disseminated thoroughly, we know (through our last national Zogby poll) that a majority of Americans do not believe the government propaganda narrative of 9/11. We are rejecting, as a people, the fear mongering hatred continuously heaved upon us. We're asking, "What role do I play in this? If this is being done in MY name, what responsibility do I have to stop the carnage?" And in answer, we the people are overwhelmingly seeing with new eyes the real state of the union. And of the world. And we will NOT be silent.

For these five-plus years, I have had the great honor to come to know hundreds, and indirectly thousands, of compassionate, dedicated, courageous people around this world. For each of you, I am truly grateful. Each of us has brought to this movement different gifts. Some have been able to monetarily support the cause, others are able to use what little they have to get in the streets. We have used our skills to produce materials the rest of us can distribute, facilitated the creation of groups, given speeches and presentations around the world, written books and articles... And for all of us, talking to friends, coworkers, strangers has been the core. We are truly a grassroots movement. People everywhere doing what they can, looking to see what must be done and taking it upon themselves to do it, not waiting for some "great leader" to tell us what to do, or promise us the moon... WE are what we've been waiting for, and WE are not waiting any longer! WE are millions, WE are everywhere, and WE have great power!

We must stand strong now, stronger than ever, more visibly than ever, joining with everyone who is genuinely* fighting back--whether or not we agree with their ideology, their specific issues, their general beliefs, their organizational structure--in order to "catapult the truth" in a way that empowers more of the People to stand up with us. The world sees us. The world knows the crimes being committed in our name do NOT reflect the values and heart of we, the People. But we must not back down, in spite of promises of change. We must stand strong until we see real, lasting change has been truly created and implemented. Now is the time for real resistance, not complacence!

So to each of you, I genuinely extend my heartfelt thanks and appreciation, and my honor for your awesome courage, persistence, and compassion in the face of great repression. We are an amazing movement, made up of amazing people, with amazing power. Thank you!

Janice Matthews
Your Director