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09-03-2008, 07:56 PM
"Missing Links" provides the critics of 9/11 Truth with ample ammunition.



The makers of the documentary Missing Links, (www{dot}911missinglinks{dot}com), bill their roll-your-own documentary as "The Definitive Truth About 9/11".

The words of the Greek playwright Euripides come to mind, "A bad beginning makes a bad ending".

(Oh, and let me break this to the Bigfoot researchers right now... no, this film is not that crossover hit you have been waiting for breathlessly. 'Missing Link' in this case, refers to Jewish people... I know, I know... I feel your pain...)

The film starts out by giving "Special thanks to the independent investigators and agents, analysts and assets of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Central Intelligence Agency, National Security Agency, and Intelligence sectors of the United States Armed Forces who are still loyal to America."

Surely, they don't mean George Walker Bush's 'Amerika'?

It reminds one of the newbie on the business end of the fraternity paddle in Animal House, "Thank you, sir! May I have another?"

Perhaps I'm being too elitist here... everybody knows Dickens, right? I guess the filmmakers could be seen as playing the part of Oliver Twist, "Please sir, I want some more."

If you were to take Jason Bermas' recent documentary, Fabled Enemies (http://911blogger.com/node/17456), and strip away all of the copious links that the alleged hijackers had to Western intelligence and possibly the US military, you would have the basic framework for Missing Links. Then, ignore the gargantuan profits that US oil companies have raked in (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2008/07/31/oil-profits-shatter-recor_n_116022.html), following the destructive wake of the "War on Terror" ... and then you ignore the gargantuan profits that the US defense industry has raked in (http://www.worldpolicy.org/projects/arms/reports/TiesThatBind.html), post-9/11, and you're half way done building Missing Links. Finally, ignore the fact that US and Israeli intelligence agencies have shared information, common goals (Cold War espionage anyone?) and HUMINT operations since 1951 (and even pre-dating the state of Israel in 1945 via the OSS (http://911blogger.com/node/15999)), and the stage is set for an ahistorical hit and miss picture show that covers intelligence ops over the last 40 years with a very uneven keel.

By way of prior example, Missing Links intends to expose a "Jewish criminal network" that the filmmakers believe pulled off 9/11. (Don't worry about NORAD's lies (http://www.911truth.org/article.php?story=20040731213239607), don't worry about the 9/11 War Games (http://www.oilempire.us/wargames.html), don't worry about top CIA/Al Qaeda guy Ali Mohamed (http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=3422), don't worry about CIA/Al Qaeda guy/Bojinka man Ramzi Yousef (http://www.historycommons.org/context.jsp?item=a1980syousefcia), don't worry about CIA/Al Qaeda guy Luai Sakra (http://www.historycommons.org/entity.jsp?entity=luai_sakra_1), don't worry about the instant appearance of the PATRIOT Act (http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&hs=rB0&sa=X&oi=spell&resnum=0&ct=result&cd=1&q=criticism+patriot+act&spell=1)... after all, the makers of Missing Links didn't.) The documentary begins by examining the Lavon Affair. The Lavon Affair (See also: Operation Susannah (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lavon_Affair)), is a documented historical fact, well-known, and examined in several books, including "official sources" like Raviv and Melman's Every Spy a Prince (http://www.amazon.com/Every-Spy-Prince-Intelligence-Community/dp/0395471028). The filmmakers do not spend much time analyzing the Affair as a failed venture. Instead, they follow the segment by taking a moment to infer that the WTC Towers were obviously blown up by the same people. Obviously.

The makers of the film do take a moment to lament the scapegoating of Israeli defense minister Pinhas Lavon (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pinhas_Lavon), who got stuck holding the bag for the bungled operation, and earned an infamous place in history... and then they proceed to scapegoat Jews for 9/11.


Consider that US intelligence agencies have been far, far busier in the world of covert ops and False Flag chicanery than any other country in the world over the course of the last half century. This short list by Steve Kangas (http://www.huppi.com/kangaroo/CIAtimeline.html) introduces a sense of scale to the situation. The two books by William Blum, "Killing Hope" and "Rogue State", chronicle a rich history of Imperial shenanigans that dwarf the actions of other states, including Israel. Dull reading, but sharp information. If pointing to a foreign country who has actually bungled two covert ops against US interests constitutes 'proof' in the eyes of some, then what of the hundreds of covert operations that US intelligence has run successfully? Although the guns of the CIA, for example, were supposed to be pointed abroad, at times, they went operational on US soil, even though they were technically not allowed to. (One example that we know of is Operation CHAOS (http://www.icdc.com/%7Epaulwolf/cointelpro/churchfinalreportIIIi.htm), who knows how many we don't know about.)

Via William Blum, ex-CIA agent John Stockwell talks about how, at the officer level (http://www.doublestandards.org/blum19.html), the CIA and the KGB actually got along pretty well during the Cold War;

Actually, at least in more routine operations, case officers most fear the US ambassador and his staff, then restrictive headquarters cables, then curious, gossipy neighbors in the local community, as potential threats to operations. Next would come the local police, then the press. Last of all is the KGB – in my twelve years of case officering I never saw or heard of a situation in which the KGB attacked or obstructed a CIA operation.
If a CIA case officer has a flat tire in the dark of night on a lonely road, he will not hesitate to accept a ride from a KGB officer – likely the two would detour to some bar for a drink together. In fact CIA and KGB officers entertain each other frequently in their homes. The CIA's files are full of mention of such relationships in almost every African station."
Keep that in mind, and consider that US and Israeli military and intelligence services have at times shared resources in the pursuit of mutually beneficial strategic goals (http://911blogger.com/node/15999) over the past half-century. If case officers who are mortal enemies can get-along-to-go-along, imagine how that translates to agencies that spy on each other, and steal information from each other at times, but are not actually intent on destroying each other.

Further, if it is unlikely that the 19 alleged hijackers operated on US soil without being noticed by US intelligence agencies (Able Danger comes to mind)... how likely is it that well over 100 Israelis involved with the "Israeli DEA Groups" (http://cryptome.org/dea-il-spy.htm) operated on US soil, under the eyes and ears of the NSA, which had increased domestic spying prior to 9/11 (http://www.consortiumnews.com/2007/101407a.html), unnoticed?

I'm going to go out on a limb here and say, pretty darn unlikely. In fact, they were noticed. By the DEA and the FBI who both investigated the Israelis ( vided+with+this+information+for+follow-up+as+necessary.+The+FBI+POC+RAC+Sharon+Ormsby.&hl=en&ct=clnk&cd=1&gl=us&client=safari).

The US intelligence community was not "out of the loop".


Next up is the filmmakers present the Liberty Incident. Yes, Israelis tried to sink the USS Liberty. Not in doubt. But what the film omits, is that the Liberty was under orders from the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the USA, who sent the Liberty on their doomed mission.* (And here I must protest. The filmmakers did not thank the Joint Chiefs of Staff! What kind of fly-by-night production is this?) The Liberty was not defended. However, it was not sunk. Johnson reportedly said that "he didn't care if the ship sunk, he would not embarass his allies." Alex Jones cites a different source that claims Johnson was far more explicit (http://au.youtube.com/watch?v=fRZSzdQuOqM). Johnson doesn't seem to have had a change in heart as Missing Links infers. Rather, he exhibits a pre-determined attitude that suggests he was all for bombing the snot out of Egypt, he just needed a good excuse. I think that the JCS tried to provide him with one. (The 2003 book, Operation Cyanide (http://www.amazon.com/Operation-Cyanide-Bombing-Liberty-Nearly/dp/1904132197), also supports a tandem US/Israeli black-op version of the Liberty Incident.)

Let's take a look at the United States JCS track record in the time period around the Liberty Incident... (The BBC documentary "Dead in the Water" presents evidence to support Jones' research... for more on the Liberty Incident, click here (http://911blogger.com/node/15999).)

In 1961, the Joint Chiefs of Staff were consulted about the CIA's Bay of Pigs invasion plan. Headed by Lyman Lemnitzer, the JCS approved the plan (http://911blogger.com/node/12337), and involved JCS Chief Naval Officer Admiral Arleigh Burke.

In 1962, the JCS presented their plans for Operation Northwoods (http://www.mackwhite.com/northwoods.html) to an incredulous Kennedy administration, that deep-sixed the Operation, and sent Lemnitzer to Europe, where it is very likely that he got his ass involved with NATO's "Stay Behind" armies in Europe. Kennedy gave him the top spot at NATO. It's stunning that Lemnitzer would do this after the Bay of Pigs meltdown, but he did. It turns out that the JCS never needed Lemnitzer anyhow...

In 1964, the JCS approved the Desoto naval patrols, that steadily increased in boldness, ultimately giving birth to the Tonkin Gulf lie (http://www.fair.org/index.php?page=2261). It's possible that the JCS was running a calculated risk here, knowing that Vietnamese defenses would be highly active following OPLAN 34A raids in the area from US forces (http://books.google.com/books?id=0UEnAnvQ978C&pg=PA50&lpg=PA50&dq=gulf+of+tonkin+jcs&source=web&ots=KbhkAtCgbD&sig=eUgIj6q3x35l2cdXKrt1fHFi-NE&hl=en&sa=X&oi=book_result&resnum=1&ct=result#PPA60,M1). The DIA was advising the Desoto patrols at the time to be ready for action, keying up the men on board the USS Maddox, and perhaps taxing their already ignited states of vigilance. Considering the Bay of Pigs and Northwoods floating around in the heads of the JCS holdovers from the Kennedy period, it's not only possible, but probable.

In 1968, there was the USS Pueblo incident. Another case of an intelligence ship sent out to dangle as bait. But the North Koreans didn't take the bait completely. They simply boarded the ship and took it. Had they blown it out of the water, the JCS could have reignited the Korean War. Both the Maddox and Pueblo missions were rubber stamped by the Special Group (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NSC_5412/2_Special_Group);

The Pueblo crisis still needs to be understood, and dealt with. There are too many indications that the many alleged “errors” and “coincidences” on the American side, without which the incident would not have occurred, were in fact not errors and coincidences but part of an enduring pattern of artificially induced provocations and/or “crises,” the recurrence of which has contributed to the increasing militarization of U.S. foreign policy (and the breakdown of congressional restraints) since the all-too-comparable U-2 incident of 1960. The U-2 and RB-47 shot down by the USSR in 1960, the Maddox incident in the Tonkin Gulf in 1964, all had much in common with the Pueblo in 1968. To begin with, all were on highly sensitive intelligence missions, so dangerous that they had to be approved by the secret Special Group (later known as the Senior Interdepartmental Group, or 303 Committee) on the deputy secretary level.**
The Liberty Incident was preceded, on multiple occasions, by staged incidents involving deception in various forms, linked to the JCS. The only variation on the theme for the Liberty Incident was to have unmarked Israeli jets do the dirty work.

I'm in agreement with the researchers who signal that Johnson likely knew all about it. Although some perceive Johnson's restraint as a result of his "finding out" that Israeli jets were involved, it's more likely that he already knew. Or at least, knew about the attack. (The BBC film (http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-3319663041501647311) reveals that shortly after the Liberty was attacked, nuclear-armed jets were scrambled to hit Cairo, but were recalled.) When he "found out" that the Liberty was still floating, Johnson knew that the False Flag never got planted.

I think this is why there has not been a proper investigation of the Liberty Incident. There is probably a covert mission tucked away in the National Archives that identifies the real architects of the Liberty "Incident", who were likely high-level members of the Levi Eshkol administration, and the Johnson administration, not a 'Jewish criminal network', as Missing Links suggests.

This ahistorical framing of the Liberty Incident is lop-sided, and gives a pass to any traitors on US soil who may have wanted the Liberty to "go to the bottom".

And... the Liberty Incident was a failure. The US was not drawn into bombing Egypt as the suspected planners of the incident had hoped for. The makers of Missing Links segue this failure into footage of the WTC Towers being demolished. Suggesting that just because Israeli intelligence agencies couldn't properly set off a few bombs, and just because Israeli jets and torpedo boats couldn't sink a practically unarmed intel boat, it doesn't mean that they couldn't do one of the trickiest top-down demolitions ever caught on film.

My money is on the home team, with other assets in supporting roles.

Missing Links then mentions controlled demolition, DEW, TV Fakery (http://911blogger.com/node/17206), and mini-nukes with equal deadpan delivery. The film states that CD is the most likely of the bunch, but why muddy the water with implausible ideas? Why, indeed.

Missing Links seems to have an agenda. The agenda? To muddy the water, or as Alex Jones would say, "They leave a big ole turd in the punchbowl". The biggest turd that the filmmakers drop in the bowl, is to blend 9/11 research with racial profiling. While the film depicts Jews in stereotypical garb in the background, the narrator sounds the alarm;

"The reality is, that Neocon is just another layer of the onion that covers up the existence of the "Jewish criminal network" So long as they keep calling the network anything other than specifically, a Jewish criminal network, then their greatest strength which is their racial cohesion, goes undetected.. PNAC, the Project for the New American Century, was not a Neocon or even a Zionist thinktank, but a Jewish criminal thinktank. .This crime network existed long before Zionism was ever codified.. Therefore, it is absolutely appropriate and necessary for us to refer to it as the Jewish criminal network, as opposed to merely using the term Zionism. Although that term is sometimes employed."
Not even 20 minutes in, and Missing Links has let the cat out of the bag.

To investigate individuals or state players who may have provable links to the 9/11 operation is one thing. To single out Jews, and identify "their racial cohesion" as the prime motivator for scrutiny, is racist.

By consciously choosing to conflate 9/11 research with racism, the makers of Missing Links degrade the value of their production to racist propaganda.

On top of that, we know that groups like the Simon Wiesenthal Center (http://www.911blogger.com/taxonomy/term/7151) are already monitoring 9/11 Truth websites... so why would these filmmakers go out of the way to make the SWC's job any easier? Despite denials (http://www.911blogger.com/node/12914), the SWC has already tried to conflate 9/11 Truth with terrorism, when all that real 9/11 Truthers do is deconstruct "terrorism", in an effort to get to the truth.

Why would anyone hand the SWC a big fat racist video to hang around the necks of the 9/11 Truthers like a ten-ton albatross?

Racial profiling makes Missing Links useless to the 9/11 Truth community, and even worse, dangerous.

Remember that legislation like H.R. 1955 (http://www.newswithviews.com/Devvy/kidd318.htm) is out there, awaiting justification, and that the SWC and think-tanks like RAND would be more than happy cite films like this to spur Congress into action.


Some other, random bits of dodgy information in the film;

Missing Links tells us that there was "ONLY ONE ISRAELI KILLED ON 9/11 AT WTC".

False. There were 3 (http://web.archive.org/web/20021104190710/http://www.jpost.com/servlet/Satellite?pagename=JPost/A/JPArticle/ShowFull&cid=1031666147075), "Shai Levinhar, 29, who worked for a subsidiary of the Cantor Fitzgerald brokerage in the north tower, and Hagai Shefi, 34, who was on the 106th floor of the north tower when American Airlines Flight 11 hit. The fifth Israeli killed, London-born Leon Lebor, 51, was working at his job as a janitor in the twin towers when they were attacked."

Missing Links conflates the reports of "celebrating" Israelis with "Dancing Israelis", and more, they once again roll stock footage of stereotypically attired Jews dancing in a traditional fashion, though what was reported was "high-fiving" and "jumping for joy". The filmmakers are eager to blend Jews in traditional roles with the New Jersey Israelis, two of whom have been reported as Mossad agents. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fRLZVBtoMcE)

Missing Links mentions ICTS (http://whatreallyhappened.com/WRHARTICLES/ICTS.html), but ignores Bush-linked Securacom (http://www.commondreams.org/views03/0204-06.htm).

Missing Links mentions Israeli transportation company Zim's departure from the WTC building, but does not mention that fact that their departure was announced six months in advance (http://s3.amazonaws.com/911timeline/2001/virginianpilot040301.html), with Sept.4 as the target date. The film rolls out "one week before 9/11" over and over as if it was a rushed, surprise pullout.

Missing Links claims that a CIA NOC claims that, "Israeli movers moved explosives into the 17th Floor office space after Zim moved out."

This is apparently based on this report by Wayne Madsen;

One unverifiable report by an unidentified CIA guy. I'm not going to cite a long list of other anonymous claims by Mr. Madsen, that's what google is for;
http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&client=safari&rls=en-us&q=wayne+madse... (http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&client=safari&rls=en-us&q=wayne+madsen+anonymous+source&start=0&sa=N)

When it comes to such bold claims combined with anonymous sources, caveat emptor (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caveat_emptor).

Missing Links does much damage and little discernable good.


* In James Bamford's Body of Secrets, (New York: Anchor Books, 2002), Bamford confirms that Johnson was in the loop on June 8, 1967, and even after the Liberty was a smoking wreck, recalled fighters dispatched to the Liberty through the Joint Chiefs, and said that, "he didn't care if the ship sunk, he would not embarass his allies." (p.226) Bamford also reveals that the Liberty was on a mission directly for the the JCS. (p.188) The JCS, at this period in American history, were practically deranged.

** Scott, Peter Dale. The War Conspiracy, (USA) Mary Ferrell Foundation Press, 2008, p.180.