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View Full Version : Harman Guilty on 6 Abu Ghraib Abuse Counts

05-16-2005, 10:09 PM

Harman Guilty on 6 Abu Ghraib Abuse Counts

By T.A. BADGER, Associated Press Writer
11 minutes ago

FORT HOOD, Texas - A military jury found Spc. Sabrina Harman guilty late Monday on all but one of the seven counts she faced as a result of her role in abuses at Abu Ghraib prison in late 2003.

The panel of four Army officers and four senior enlisted soldiers convicted Harman on one count of conspiracy to maltreat detainees, four counts of maltreating detainees and one count of dereliction of duty.

The 27-year-old reservist from Lorton, Va., was acquitted on one maltreatment count.

Her sentencing hearing was scheduled to begin Tuesday morning. Harman faces a maximum of 5 1/2 years in a military prison.

Harman, a former pizza shop manager, is the second soldier to be tried for mistreating detainees.

She is depicted in several of the most notorious photos taken at Abu Ghraib in October and early November 2003, and she is accused of taking other pictures.

Harman posed for a photo with Pvt. Charles Graner Jr. behind a group of naked detainees stacked in a pyramid. In another photo, she is shown with a prisoner on whose leg she is accused of writing "rapeist."