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View Full Version : 9/11 Timeline Obtains Major New FBI Document

Kevin Fenton
02-15-2008, 09:24 AM
“A contributor to the History Commons has obtained a 298-page document entitled Hijackers Timeline (Redacted) from the FBI, subsequent to a Freedom of Information Act request. The document was a major source of information for the 9/11 Commission's final report. Though the commission cited the timeline 52 times in its report, it failed to include some of the document's most important material."

"The printed document is dated November 14, 2003, but appears to have been compiled in mid-October 2001 (the most recent date mentioned in it is October 22, 2001), when the FBI was just starting to understand the backgrounds of the hijackers, and it contains almost no information from the CIA, NSA, or other agencies. This raises questions as to why the 9/11 Commission relied so heavily on such an early draft for their information about the hijackers.”

More here:


Summary of what the FBI document reveals:

Nawaf Alhazmi and Khalid Almihdhar claimed in a rental application that they moved straight to San Diego to live with a Saudi agent after arriving in the US, whereas the 9/11 Commission said they remained in LA for two weeks;

Hamza Alghamdi and Marwan Alshehhi spent over four hundred dollars in July 2001 on “pornographic video and sex toys”;

A call between Khalid Almihdhar in San Diego and al-Qaeda’s main communications hub in Sana’a, Yemen, that was intercepted by the NSA lasted 16 minutes;

Satam al Suqami’s passport was “soaked in jet fuel” when recovered on 9/11;

Khaled Almihdhar and possibly Salem Alhazmi were videotaped at Dulles airport on 9/10. This supports the account of security guard Eric Gill, who claims two other hijackers and three unidentified others tried to penetrate a secure area at the airport on that day;

Several more of the hijackers’ 364 name variants and aliases, such as “Hamburg Elsayed,” are revealed;

The FBI has lots of video of the hijackers, but has not yet released it;

The bag left by Alhazmi and Almihdhar near a mosque just before 9/11 contained documents related to their flight training in May 2000;

Crack terrorist Abdulaziz Alomari lost his Flight 11 ticket and had to get a replacement 2 days before 9/11;

Upon entering the US, fellow crack terrorist Ahmed Alghami commented to the immigration officer that the media distorted facts about bin Laden and that Osama was a “good Muslim.”

02-15-2008, 07:29 PM
Thanks Kevin.

02-15-2008, 11:17 PM
The aliases are confusing. So many instances of "mistaken identity" (did they train at US bases or not, are some still alive or not, etc.).