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View Full Version : GHOULIANI at Tampa Convention Center Today - 200 attend

12-15-2007, 04:33 PM
and ONLY 200 PEEPS SHOW UP - HILARIOUS !! He should have rented a hotel banquet room instead.

I guess not too many are interested in Roodee's politics of terror and his disgusting lies !!!


Giuliani retools stump speech
By BRENDAN FARRINGTON, Associated Press Writer

Republican presidential candidate Rudy Giuliani's "bold" vision for the nation sounded a lot like the same ideas he's been talking about for months, but delivered in a new package Saturday.

Giuliani's address before about 200 people was billed by his campaign as a new speech that shows the former New York mayor's bold vision for the future of the country.

But the 30-plus minute speech hit on similar themes: a little Hillary Rodham Clinton bashing, some reflections on the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, a call to make energy independence as big a priority as landing on the moon was in the 1960s, and the need to fight terrorism so the United States can be safe and do more business in the Middle East.

And the theme throughout was that he has shown the leadership needed to be president.

"Tested, ready, now. America needs a leader," Giuliani said as he began the speech.

The address comes after a rough few weeks for Giuliani. The police commissioner he appointed in 2000 and pushed for the post of head of Homeland Security, Bernard Kerik, was indicted on federal charges that include lying to the White House, corruption and filing false income tax returns.

Giuliani has also faced questions about whether he hid the expenses of his security detail as he an extramarital affair Judith Nathan, now his third wife. And his poll numbers have slipped as Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee's have risen, indicating GOP voters are looking for a conservative candidate instead of one seen as a moderate-to-liberal Republican.

The speech was delivered in the state Giuliani is counting on to give him a boost ahead of his GOP rivals on Feb. 5, when more than 20 states will hold primaries and caucuses. Giuliani is trailing badly in Iowa, which holds its caucus Jan. 3, and dueling for second in several polls in New Hampshire, which votes Jan. 8, and is in a tight race in South Carolina, which holds its primary Jan. 19.

Florida is voting Jan. 29, and Giuliani has made the state a prime focus, visiting frequently and quickly showing support for a national insurance backup fund — a top priority for Gov. Charlie Crist. He planned to hold a rally in Jacksonville later Saturday.

Throughout the speech, he described the country he wants to leave for the next president — one where parents have school choice, the borders are secure, citizens are safer and government doesn't overspend.

"I've faced adversity before, I've led in situations that seemed hopeless and dire. In need of a miracle, I don't just pray for miracles, I don't just hope for miracles, I expect miracles," Giuliani said.

He also criticized Democratic candidate Clinton's universal health care plan, saying, "We'll hand over a country where decisions about your health care are made between you and your doctor, not between you and a Hillary-care custodian."

He promised tax cuts, envisioned selling more American products to China and India and said the United States can win over the Middle East by promoting ideas and ideals and understanding that the vast majority of people there share the same values as Americans, like loving their families and wanting to be safe.

While the United State has to stabilize Iraq and Afghanistan and stop Iran from becoming a nuclear power, it also must embrace "people in the Middle East, in the Arab world, in the Islamic world," he said. "We've got to reach out to them, we've got to get to know them better, we have to get them to know us better, we have to do more business."

12-16-2007, 03:02 AM

Any bad news for Ghouliani is good news in my book.

12-16-2007, 04:32 PM
that man makes my blood boil

he profited from the blood of new yorkers, smiling like a jackal the whole time

so many still see this man as a hero, he is a Murderer !!

12-16-2007, 08:50 PM
I hated him WAYYYYY before 911.

12-17-2007, 10:00 AM
You live in NYC, right??

More reasons to hate the bastard !!

12-17-2007, 06:40 PM
Plus Guiliani is still retaining his buisness ties and won't name who he's working with or something like that.

So if you thought Bush was bad, this guy is worse.

12-17-2007, 07:21 PM
One of my biggest fears is that Rudy Ghouliani might serve TWO FULL terms as pResident, being undead 'n all...

More on ghouls:


"In Muslim folklore, the ghoul is a demon of the desert that is able to assume the shape of an animal. It is an evil spirit that robs graves and feeds on the flesh of the dead or on young children. They inhabit lonely places, especially graveyards. They also lure travelers into the desert, sometimes beguiling those traveles by prostituting themselves, and then devouring them. The Arabic ghoul of the wasteland seems to be a personification of the terror of the desert."

Hmmm... evil spirit, feeds on the dead, inhabits graveyards, beguiling, prostituting, and devouring. Yup, sounds like Rudy pimping 9/11 to me- BINGO!

We were certainly lured into the deserts of Iraq more than once and of Afghanistan...

12-17-2007, 10:55 PM
You live in NYC, right??

More reasons to hate the bastard !!Nope. ABout 60 miles northwest. But I DID during his term. I saw the awful things he did to get rid of the homeless/ minorities. All the while people were saying what a good job he was doing. It truly made me sick.

12-18-2007, 10:32 AM
Yeah, Florida did some awful things to some homeless people down here (mostly vets). they set up a tent city and were helping each other survive. Cops went in with BAYONETS and ripped the tents up ... with kids and moms in hysteria.


12-19-2007, 02:08 AM
An absolutely HORRIFIC thought just came up in discussion.

Is Cheney still eligible to be VP, say under Ghouliani? I don't recall hearing who il Rudce's running mate is yet...


12-20-2007, 06:14 AM
I think I heard Cheney say he had no further political aspirations in this vein. Additionally, I don't think he could get arrested (obviously) let alone elected sewer plant inspector.
Rudies lookin pretty shaky as a candidate these days, and so is Hillary for that matter.