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11-15-2007, 11:59 AM
Homeland Security Links 9/11 Truthers to Taliban


by Barbara Peterson

Do you remember when Bush Jr. said, “either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists”? Well, he meant it. Homeland Security’s sub-committee on terrorism risk assessment convened a hearing on 11-06-2007 to discuss “using the Web as a weapon – the Internet as a tool for violent radicalization and homegrown terrorism.” In a video of this meeting, which was last aired by C-Span on 11-12-2007, members of the sub-committee clearly pointed to Internet sites that question the legitimacy of the official 9/11 story as tools for recruiting terrorists.

During the course of the hearing, Mark Weitzman of the Simon Wiesenthal Center displayed a Power Point Presentation illustrating what his organization considers terrorist recruitment sites. Here is his testimony (http://www.wiesenthal.com/site/pp.asp?c=fwLYKnN8LzH&b=3577145):

To illustrate the trends described above, we have put together a short PowerPoint demonstration. Without going into deep detail in these written remarks, I would like to offer some brief descriptions of the material that will be shown. The presentation begins with a look at how 9/11 is viewed in some eyes online, including those who applauded it as well as some conspiracies sites. The presence of the conspiracy site is significant, since so much of what passes as fact online is actually based on some form of conspiracy...

Next is a series of sites of media portals which show some of the varied methods that the Islamists use to get their message out, including some based on United States servers. These are followed by some looks at charts and other manuals on how to use violence, along with a novel interpretation of jihad that calls for an “electronic jihad.”
One of these “media portals” displayed in the Power Point presentation is Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth. This site is sandwiched between a Taliban training manual, and several Taliban recruitment sites showing how to make bombs, take captives, and blow buildings up.

Representative Jane Harmon posed the following question to Bruce Hoffman regarding the connection between 9/11 “conspiracy theorists” and terrorists: “So this movement develops them into violent killers?” Bruce Hoffman, a Georgetown University security studies professor, and Chairman of the Rand Corporation in Counterterrorism and Counterinsurgency, stated that “falsehoods and conspiracy theorists have become so ubiquitous and believed that you almost have some sort of parallel truth, and it has become a very effective tool for recruiting people.” The “people” he is referring to are potential terrorists. Mark Weitzman stated: “These people are constructing their own version of reality, full of conspiracy theories, full of doctored videos, that will recruit or inflame the emotions.”

By portraying sites such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth as terrorist recruitment organizations, the Department of Homeland Security has taken a dangerous step towards punishing anyone who questions the government. If you go to the A&E Website, you will see that it is a group of “ 212 architectural and engineering professionals and 518 other supporters including A/E students who have joined...in demanding of Congress a truly independent investigation of the collapse of the WTC buildings.” Their mission statement is, “To research and to disseminate the truth of the 9/11 “collapses” of all 3 WTC high-rise buildings to every architect and engineer.” I cannot find any indication that this site promotes terrorism, much less recruits terrorists for the Taliban, yet the Department of Homeland Security has taken the stance that the site is “intended to recruit or inflame the emotions” (Weitzman, M.), and lumps it in with sites disseminating the Taliban Training Manual, and advocating suicide bombings.

Rita Katz, director of the SITE Institute - The Search for International Terrorist Entities went on to blame the Internet for Bush Jr.’s failed “war on terror,” and Representative Charles Dent stated that one possible way to help fight purported Internet terrorism would be to “turn the Internet into a less reliable source of information” by putting up phony Websites to collect information on terrorists as well as disseminate false information. Parry Aftab, Executive Director of Wiredsafety.org, also suggested that the government should collect IP addresses of suspected terrorist Websites to aid in the fight against terror on the Internet. Websites such as Architects for 9/11 Truth for instance?

If all Websites that disagree with the official government explanation of the collapse of the WTC towers is placed on a list of suspected terrorist Websites, what is next? Like Bush Jr. stated: “either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists.”

Copyright 2007, Barbara H. Peterson

11-15-2007, 12:15 PM
Mark Weitzman UN Testimony






November 6, 2007



Good Afternoon. Thank you, Mr. Chairman and Members of the Committee, for inviting me to speak to you today on the topic of "Using the Web as a Weapon: the Internet as a Tool for Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism." My name is Mark Weitzman, and I am the Director of the Task Force Against Hate and Terrorism for the Simon Wiesenthal Center. I am also the Simon Wiesenthal Center's chief representative to the United Nations.

While I often begin my presentations by saying that we at the Simon Wiesenthal Center have been tracking extremism online since 1995, the reality is that we actually began much earlier. By 1983 and 1984, various domestic extremists such as George Dietz, Tom Metzger and Louis Beam were already using the Bulletin Board Systems to post material for their followers and others. The potential that these earliest users saw was later realized, leading one United States white supremacist to declare a decade later that “the Internet is our sword.”

Some, like David Duke, saw the Internet as not only being a revolutionary communications medium, but as having great import for their own revolutionary ideas. For example, Duke wrote on his website, “I believe that the Internet will begin a chain reaction of racial enlightenment that will shake the world by the speed of its intellectual conquest.” Duke’s longtime friend, Don Black, together with Duke’s ex-wife(and Black’s future wife), Chloe Hardin teamed up to begin Stormfront on March 27, 1995, which is generally credited as being the first extremist website, and which today is still one of the most prominent and important sites online.

The Oklahoma City bombing brought domestic extremism into sharper focus, and the increasing use by the general public of the Internet quickly led more domestic extremists into the electronic age. At that time we began to publicly track that growth, and have continued to do so. The growth has been explosive, with our database growing from 1 (Stormfront) at the time of the bombing of the Alfred Murrah building on April 19, 1995, to over 7,000 today. Initially, the overwhelming number of those sites came from what could be described as Western extremists. These included skinhead, neo-Nazi, white power, ethnic and religious extremist, homophobic and conspiratorial sites, and the numbers showed steady growth, as did the technical capabilities of the sites. They were used to recruit, to raise money, to propagandize, to incite, and to provide a virtual community to hitherto far-flung fellow believers. By doing so, the Internet came to be viewed as empowering a whole new generation of extremists.

The next defining moment was 9/11. The attacks on the United States signified a new stage in Internet extremism, with Islamist extremism rapidly exploding online. I use the term Islamist in contrast to Islam to signify the radical jihadist and extremist ideology. At the time of the attacks, there were almost no such sites. Today, they number in the thousands.

As might be expected, in some ways the use of the Internet by Islamist extremists resembled the early stages of Western extremist use, as they both began at a relatively simple level before moving on to more complex usage. However, from the very beginning, the Islamists who planned 9/11 were more sophisticated in their approach, using the Internet for planning and communication. Of course, part of that can be attributed to having the benefit of the growing technical capabilities of the Internet, as well as reflecting the growth in cyberknowledge of its users.

The reasons for this phenomenal growth are varied. The Internet is, as an early observer wrote “subversive, because [it] offer[s] potential enfranchisement to the disenfranchised and voice to the voiceless.” It allows individuals who are isolated or alienated, both physically and psychologically, to feel that they are linked, empowered and members of an international movement. For some young Muslims in the West, who are living in an environment where they are alienated both from the majority culture and from the traditional structures of Muslim life that have broken down in the West, the Internet provides access to a radical form of Islam that gives seekers the virtual environment that they are searching for. This is seen as a purer and uncompromised version of the religion, and thus strengthens its appeal by creating a strong demarcation between the moderate version and its more extreme manifestation.

Radicalization can be a result of this relationship. The Internet, and its idealized and radicalized virtual community, overtakes the perceived dismal reality of the real world, and provides an authoritative narrative that creates its own reality. This reality is constructed to fill a void, and its prime target is youth, especially those alienated in some way from their surroundings. The use of professional, slick and appealing sites, videos, chat rooms, newsgroups, etc., are all forms of communication that are commonly used by younger users who are prepared to take the information they receive at face value.

This points out another important aspect of the Internet. As Ian Buruma has written, “The Internet…lacks a superego that filters out the monster from the depths.” This means that there is no editorial control, and anyone can present himself or herself as the expert, or the authoritative face of a religion. In this case, because of the social and psychological factors described above, Islam is presented as a pure and moral religion under continuous assault from the corrupt, immoral West, especially embodied by Israel and the United States. This narrative is illustrated online by references and visuals from areas of conflict, all carefully edited to fit into various aspects of the narrative (Islam as victim, Islam victorious, etc.).

This trend was summarized by an Arab Human Rights website that wrote, “Starting from a few years ago, observers have noticed a growing religious trend in Arabic web pages: The majority of Arabic language web pages are either about Islam, as interpreted by those responsible for the websites, or are calling for the spread of Islam.… The majority of Islamic web pages all call for the adoption of the extremist Sunni interpretation that has spread widely in the Arab Gulf area and extended to reach other Arab states, non-Arab Islamic states like Afghanistan and Pakistan, as well as Muslims living in Europe and North America…. In spite of the fact that many of these Islamic web pages preach religious hatred against non-Muslims and even against other Islamic groups, they have managed to slip past the bans and the filters put in place by Arab states. Many Arab governments practice selective censorship; that they permit the continued existence of these Islamic sites is less a result of a respect for the freedom of expression than it is a reflection of their satisfaction with the content of these websites.”

In many ways the Internet favors the religious extremist. It allows anyone to set himself or herself up as an authority figure, to the extent that reports last year indicate that some lesser-known Muslim leaders had overtaken Osama bin Laden as the leading figure in the jihadist movement. They did this by using the chat rooms and online forums to establish their authority, and while some might react by saying that anything that cuts into the influence of bin Laden is good, the reality is that this means that even the removal of bin Laden or Ayman al-Zawahri would have no impact in threatening the movement. And, since one of the effects of this online communication is that the more radical posters are the ones to stand out, and so the discourse is often ratcheted up, with the result being an even more militant or radicalized leadership and followers.

The growing sophistication of the Islamists is also apparent in the production values of their sites. Whether it is in the use of different media, such as videos and games, or different languages, the Islamist outreach is much more attractive and accessible. Part of this can be attributed to Arabic sites and organizations that have recognized the need to reach a large audience, but part of it is also the result of Western Muslim extremists, some of whom are converts, who have taken the familiarity they have acquired by living in the electronic society as well as taken advantage of the rights granted to them by those societies, to create and post Islamist and jihadist websites. By literally speaking the language of their targets, they represent a significant growing factor in online Islamist extremism.

To illustrate the trends described above, we have put together a short PowerPoint demonstration. Without going into deep detail in these written remarks, I would like to offer some brief descriptions of the material that will be shown. The presentation begins with a look at how 9/11 is viewed in some eyes online, including those who applauded it as well as some conspiracies sites. The presence of the conspiracy site is significant, since so much of what passes as fact online is actually based on some form of conspiracy. These are often built around the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, which allege Jewish control of the world, or around presenting the United States government as being engaged in various conspiracies or cover-ups, or ultimately having the entire Western world engaged in a vast, multi-layered conspiracy against the Islamic world.

Next is a series of sites of media portals which show some of the varied methods that the Islamists use to get their message out, including some based on United States servers. These are followed by some looks at charts and other manuals on how to use violence, along with a novel interpretation of jihad that calls for an “electronic jihad.”

There are jihad discussion groups and some Islamist sites aimed at Latin America (a new target), as well as some links to extremist right-wing groups like Neo-Nazi, etc. It is worth pointing out that some observers have noted the attempts online to bring Islamist and right-wing extremist groups together, which are often visible in cyberspace.

Next are a series of games that show some of the different themes used by all sorts of extremists, and how they target youth by tapping into fears and issues that the extremists attempt to manipulate. Finally, I end with a look at how the United States is still specifically threatened.

The Internet has become as real a battlefield as exists anyplace. It provides a haven and an opportunity for Islamist extremists to recruit, educate, communicate and bond in a secure, protected environment. As a result, in many ways it is the prime factor in the radicalization of many of recruits to the jihadi ideology. This factor calls for increased attention and efforts to counter the growing influence of the Internet in these areas. Some steps that might aid in this effort include:

1) We must be aware of the empowering effect of the Internet on extremists.

2) We must have researchers and responders who have both the technical and linguistic skills to keep us informed, and to be able to respond to what is online.

3) We must make users aware of the misinformation and techniques used by extremists.

4) We must have increased cooperation internationally, and among the political, law enforcement, NGO, academic, and all other interested sectors.

5) There must be the political will to legally act when necessary.

6) We must be prepared to invest in positive sites that can present alternative narratives that might counteract the Islamists material (i.e., the Simon Wiesenthal Center’s new AskMusa.com site that presents Jews and Judaism in four major Islamic languages directly to the Muslim public).

In many ways we have ceded the Internet to our enemies, and the result has been extremely harmful. However, even in a globalized world, there is no reason to believe that this condition is permanent. But we need to focus our efforts better, and to invest more resources in this struggle. As the famous Holocaust survivor, and namesake of our Center, Simon Wiesenthal wrote in 1989, “The combination of hatred and technology is the greatest threat facing mankind.” How we face that threat might well define the world we will live in the near future.

11-15-2007, 01:22 PM



Video: Patriotic officers http://kv3ri.blogspot.com/ of the CIA and US Armed Forces agree with DOG4TREE and famed activist Morgans Stack of http://911truth.ie that the cartoon disinformation agent Col Jenny Sparks is a filthy cointelpro rat. DOG4TREE previously identified the cartoon character as a disgusting transsexual degenerate and Al Qaida spokesman. These vermin who slander and censor the hardworking men and women who expose the truth about 911tvfakery are the war criminals and 9 11 murderers and they will be hunted down and brought to justice one by one. In the next six months they're going to learn exactly what justice means. DOG4TREE have made book on the various terrorist organizations, their associates, relatives, and the sponsors of their criminal acts and have prepared a course of action that will ensure that appropriate justice is meted out to the treasonous traitors. The souls of the murder victims cry out for justice! Those cries will not go unheeded. -- Gary Welz, John Albanese, Jo Cressy, Mark Bilk, Dick Eastman, Alexander Floum, Jon Gold, Nick Levis, Matt Hill, Gary Franchi -- Perhaps you will wish that you had been inside the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001. Perhaps you will wish that you too had been inside the Bakery in Eliat. A MESSAGE TO ALL TERRORISTS: When you cast your lot with WQ2RX and Al Qaida you sealed your fate. YOU WILL BE BROUGHT TO JUSTICE!




http://pumpitout.com http://youtube.com/nobrainsnoplanes


11-15-2007, 04:43 PM
Um, isn't that grounds for legal action?

11-15-2007, 05:25 PM
I talked to a lawyer about a "cease and desist" order, and he said I have to sue them in order to do that.

11-15-2007, 05:29 PM
I talked to a lawyer about a "cease and desist" order, and he said I have to sue them in order to do that.

But they're openly threatening your life....

Police? Hello?

11-15-2007, 05:39 PM
It's not the first time this has happened.

11-15-2007, 05:40 PM
The reason I posted it was because I thought it was interesting that within a few weeks of being accused of being a member of Al-Qaeda, DHS does the same thing.

11-15-2007, 05:46 PM
The reason I posted it was because I thought it was interesting that within a few weeks of being accused of being a member of Al-Qaeda, DHS does the same thing.

Good point.

11-16-2007, 12:15 AM


Video: Patriotic officers http://kv3ri.blogspot.com/ of the CIA and US Armed Forces agree with DOG4TREE and famed activist Morgans Stack of http://911truth.ie (http://911truth.ie/) that the cartoon disinformation agent Col Jenny Sparks is a filthy cointelpro rat.

There are literally hundreds of these videos. Many of them were aimed at those who took a stand against the divisive actions of a prominant 9/11 truther.

We have traced at least some of these videos to someone connected with Captain May. http://arabesque911.blogspot.com/2007/11/who-is-captain-may.html

As far as I can tell, WQ2RX is a code word for "legitimate 9/11 truth movement", and these videos have included attacks against figures from 911truth.org, John Albanese, 'George Washington', and others.

I don't mean to speculate, but the vast number of these videos produced seems to suggest more than just a few idiots fooling around.


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11-16-2007, 01:35 AM
I'd like to ask a speculative question.

Basically, I am more skeptical of anything that seems to expand the potential number of conspirators involved with 9/11. So, the idea that there is a directed psy-op campaign being waged against members of 9/11 Truth suggests a very wide circle of perps, and is therefore hard for me to accept. It also suggests the conspirators are somehow "mainstreamed" within the intelligence community, does it not?

Can anyone offer an explanation for how this might be achieved without expanding the circle of perps exponentially?

I imagine the real perps to be a very limited but multinational faction, probably criss-crossing the CIA, ISI, and Mossad, but in very limited numbers (perhaps a few dozen?). I imagine the cover-up was performed not by folks who were "in on it," but by those (like Zelikow) who understood implicitly what Cheney meant when he publicly asked Daschle for a "limited" investigation. I think elite criminals simply understand that NOTHING should be fully investigated, because you never know what criminal sweaters will come undone when you start pulling on threads.

11-16-2007, 03:29 AM
Well we can talk about what we do know. We do know that the government has infiltrated every other peace movement. We do know that 9/11 activists are getting death threats. We do know that 9/11 activists are getting harassing phone calls. We do know that 9/11 activists are being harrassed online by supposedly "fellow" truthers, and others who are obviously pretending. We do know that one of the goals of COINTELPRO is to get us fighting with each other.

I think from the perspective of what we do know, we should realize that anything that distracts us away from 9/11 truth and justice is bad, and if we do decide to combat it, it should be in the most effective and efficient manner possible.

I think we should take the attitude of education is good understanding is good, and fighting (personal attacks without/instead of legitimate critique) is bad.

Jim Hoffman said we need to develop a culture that does not accept personal attacks and embraces civil critique. You don't need to know who is an agent to know who is being divisive.

12-12-2007, 06:19 AM
(Sherlock Holmes look out [eyes rolling upward])


TSA can’t find real bombs either

By Michael Hampton (http://www.homelandstupidity.us/author/michael-hampton/)
Posted: November 25, 2007 6:34 pm

The excuse we hear from the Transportation Security Administration when yet another report comes out finding that its screeners miss the majority of simulated bomb components (http://www.homelandstupidity.us/2007/10/25/tsa-screeners-fail-most-bomb-tests/) that testers attempt to bring through airport checkpoints is that the tests are designed to be difficult and nobody would be able to get away with it if they were real bomb components.

Yet investigators with no insider knowledge were able to smuggle real bomb components, sufficient to assemble powerful improvised explosive devices based on liquid explosives, past the TSA at 19 separate airports, according to a report released November 15.

Government Accountability Office investigators found plans to build IEDs and so-called improvised incendiary devices, or IIDs, on the Internet, and bought all the parts on the Internet and at a brick and mortar store for about $150.

Then, to test their devices, they went to a junkyard to blow things up, and made a video (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RiHXZQaU3j4) of the destructive potential of the devices they would soon smuggle past TSA screeners:

Then it was off to the airport. In none of its covert tests did GAO report that TSA discovered any of the bomb components. But in one case, a screener seized the investigator’s shampoo, according to the report (http://www.gao.gov/new.items/d0848t.pdf) (PDF).

This time the TSA’s excuse was that they already knew about the security problems which allowed GAO investigators to smuggle real bombs past screeners at 19 separate airports.

TSA Assistant Administrator Ellen Howe played down the GAO’s conclusions, saying that in the same three months during which the GAO conducted 38 tests, the agency conducted 200,000 tests of its operations as screeners cleared 2 million passengers a day. She said the TSA deploys and continually refines 19 layers of security, including bomb experts, behavior observation teams, personnel trained to review identity documents and new generations of detection equipment.

“There is nothing in the report that is news to us . . . that we were not working on, or don’t already know,” Howe said. “It’s like a combination lock. If you get through one layer of security, it doesn’t mean you get through all layers of security.” She added: “We don’t change security procedures in knee-jerk fashion.” — Washington Post (http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/11/14/AR2007111402525.html)

TSA regulations state that passengers can bring small amounts of liquids and gels in containers no larger than 3 ounces, contained in a clear one-quart plastic bag. In one of the covert tests, the investigator used a larger bag, but was allowed to pass. The specific methods used to evade detection and the construction of the explosive devices were not disclosed.

If most of those 19 layers of “security” weren’t actually just Airport Security Theater 3000, then perhaps it wouldn’t be quite so easy to get bombs onto a plane. But incompetence is the best you can hope for since government nationalized airport security Chavez-style. The worst you can possibly get, though, with government providing “security” is plain to see. Anyone with a few bucks and an Internet connection can wreak havoc on the whole air transportation system. It’s time to get rid of the TSA and put airport security back where it belongs.