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05-05-2005, 09:56 PM
Haven't had time to read all this yet, but very good so far. Lists all the reports and witnesses to the secondary explosives.


05-06-2005, 12:55 AM
It seems to offer some pretty detailed and credible explanations for what caused the towers to collapse. Of course, the bad thing about that is that there is no physical evidence left to support these claims.

I found the treatment of the firemen and policemen after the fact to be horrible. I really feel for the survivors. :(

05-06-2005, 07:30 AM
It seems to offer some pretty detailed and credible explanations for what caused the towers to collapse. Of course, the bad thing about that is that there is no physical evidence left to support these claims.

I found the treatment of the firemen and policemen after the fact to be horrible. I really feel for the survivors. :(
I agree, however, from what I hear, some of the steel columns did survive the mass disposal of evidence and exist in a warehouse somewhere. Maybe one day someone will get the chance to examine this evidence and prove beyond any reasonable doubt what happened that day.

Not that those of us with heads on our shoulders need any more proof, however, there is that group of Bush supporters out there that will never believe until W aims a plane right at their sorry asses.

911=inside job
05-06-2005, 12:03 PM
ya sbg.. thats what bothers me.. we do not need anymore evidence... there is more than enough...

i mean what else could we need??? i think it is as clear as day what happened... its fucking crazy...

theyre trying to bankrupt our country and we cant do anything about it....

05-06-2005, 12:10 PM
ya sbg.. thats what bothers me.. we do not need anymore evidence... there is more than enough...

i mean what else could we need??? i think it is as clear as day what happened... its fucking crazy...

theyre trying to bankrupt our country and we cant do anything about it....
You're right, they just sent Scott Peterson to the chair for a hell of a lot less evidence than this. All we can do is keep at it. There will be another attack unless we get these pricks now.

05-06-2005, 12:11 PM
Don't make me send my airforce after you.

911=inside job
05-06-2005, 01:35 PM
the thing is no one has the time to read all the shit that there is to read... thats why i have allways said videos are the way to go... gold can tell people all day about put opitons and it will do no good.. im telling you gold... no one has the time.... or cares.. or knows what a put option is... i mean who wants to read about put options?? i dont...

wtc-7 is such the smoking gun i think... there is no way around it... all the other shit people will just ask what about the people??? lol.. and everyone knows we cant prove anything about the people and what happened to them... but wtc-7 was a 47 story building and know one even knows about it.... but we have pics of it coming down and maps to show how far away it was from the other towers.... there is so much evidence that drives me crazy.... pussy american do not want to know the truth....

lol... this is all such a sick joke...

911=inside job
05-06-2005, 01:37 PM
Don't make me send my airforce after you.
ok sbg, are you the pod??? im telling letsroll... HAHAHHAHAH!!!!!

05-06-2005, 08:55 PM
the thing is no one has the time to read all the shit that there is to read... thats why i have allways said videos are the way to go... gold can tell people all day about put opitons and it will do no good.. im telling you gold... no one has the time.... or cares.. or knows what a put option is... i mean who wants to read about put options?? i dont...

wtc-7 is such the smoking gun i think... there is no way around it... all the other shit people will just ask what about the people??? lol.. and everyone knows we cant prove anything about the people and what happened to them... but wtc-7 was a 47 story building and know one even knows about it.... but we have pics of it coming down and maps to show how far away it was from the other towers.... there is so much evidence that drives me crazy.... pussy american do not want to know the truth....

lol... this is all such a sick joke...
You are correct Inside. WTC7 is the smoking gun. We got the owner admitting he brought it down on tape.

05-06-2005, 08:57 PM
ok sbg, are you the pod??? im telling letsroll... HAHAHHAHAH!!!!!
That's right man. You guys heard it hear first. That was not a pod on 175, it was a member of our airforce attacking you. Canada attacked you on 9/11 and don't you forget it.

05-06-2005, 08:58 PM
Thats funny Inside, go post the image on Lets Roll and tell them you have solved the Pod mystery!!!!! let me know, I'll do it if you don't want....

911=inside job
05-06-2005, 10:42 PM
HAHAHAHH!!!!! i dont post there, they scare me..

hey an old prime ministers(Kim Campbell) is going to be on bill maher show tonight... i like her.. she has been on before...

05-07-2005, 07:54 AM
HAHAHAHH!!!!! i dont post there, they scare me..

hey an old prime ministers(Kim Campbell) is going to be on bill maher show tonight... i like her.. she has been on before...
OK, I'll post it, probably get me banned, but its too funny to pass up.

What Kim Campbell doing on the show?

05-07-2005, 05:56 PM
I posted it here:


No responses though. I put it in the Post Mortem section since I know how touchy those guys are. Fuckers cant take a joke.

911=inside job
05-07-2005, 09:06 PM