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10-12-2007, 05:26 PM

Israeli Jamming Mystery Deepens

By Sharon Weinberger http://blog.wired.com/images/icon_email.gif (sharonweinberger@hotmail.com)October 12, 2007 | 6:00:00 AMCategories: Sabra Tech (http://blog.wired.com/defense/sabra_tech/index.html)

Millions of Israeli TV watchers aren't getting their satellite feeds, and some sort of military-related jamming is the suspected culprit, according to Flight International (http://www.flightglobal.com/articles/2007/10/10/218145/electronic-warfare-may-have-blitzed-israeli-tv-signals.html):
The interference began shortly after the 6 September Israeli air raid on Syria, which, according to US and UK press reports (http://www.reuters.com/article/worldNews/idUSN1228366420070912), was made possible by Israeli use of an electronic warfare system that "blinded" Syria's state-of-the-art Russian-supplied air defence radar.

Some reports linked the satellite TV interference to the Israeli military activity, but this theory was discounted because the interference has continued. The Israeli Government seems as clueless as Yes as to the cause of the problem.

A second theory linked the interference to intelligence ships of different nations sailing in the Mediterranean, but governments quizzed by Israel deny that their intelligence-gathering could be causing the interference.

Finally, Israeli experts said on 9 October that the interference is caused by "a very strong source" the Israeli minister of communications says ministry experts hope to know the source of the interference in "a few days".

The satellite mystery is only compounded by the various theories floated to explain how Israel spoofed Syria's air defense system. (http://blog.wired.com/defense/2007/10/how-israel-spoo.html)