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10-04-2007, 06:15 PM


Given poll results showing a majority of Americans want such an investigation and Kucinich's own oft repeated public pledges to begin one this fall, this is a troubling and inexplicable development. Broken promises deserve explanations, especially from presidential candidates. Perhaps it's time for Kucinich supporters to approach him at his campaign events and ask what is really holding this up. - 911Truth.org Ed

by Jim Cirile
October 1, 2007

In June, Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) promised that his congressional committee would hold new 9-11 hearings "sometime in September." These hearings were to focus on specific narrow aspects of 9-11 which, incredibly, have never been properly looked into, such as the unprecedented short-selling of airline stocks just prior to September 11, 2001.

These hearings have now been postponed until further notice.

"It's not going to happen in 2007," says a spokesperson for the House Subcommittee on Domestic Policy, which Kucinich chairs. But Natalie Laber, Kucinich's press representative, notes that while "nothing scheduled right now," the hearings are not dead or off the table. "We announce the schedule two weeks in advance," says Laber, who adds that it's better to contact them directly for scheduling updates than the committee itself, since committee assistants do not always have the most up-to-date information.

Pressed for an update this week, Kucinich said in a video posted on www.911blogger.com from Student Scholars for 911 Truth, "I have a small committee which is gathering information from various sources. We're trying to refine exactly where we're going to take it. I'd like to ask some questions. I feel that the American people deserve that. Do I think that the 9-11 investigation ought to be reopened? Absolutely." But Kucinich would not offer a time frame.

911truthLA.org's Kathleen Ferrick Rosenblatt urges Kucinich to make good on his word. "The Brussels mass march of 9/11 Truthers give us hope that there are some people on the planet who are informed and not compromised by threats to their livelihood for speaking out," says Rosenblatt. "(Kucinich is) the most presidential, most powerful, and most intelligent of the candidates. I would think a bold move toward a new investigation would be just the strategy needed (to put him ahead of the other Democratic candidates.)"

Campaign insiders who have spoken to Elizabeth Kucinich in recent weeks have stated that the candidate's wife insists the hearings will take place. But when is anyone's guess. In the meantime, rumblings on the blogs indicate some progressives feel that the hearings have been canceled either from political pressure or because it's a hot potato issue which could be tricky for a presidential candidate to take on.

911truth.org's Mike Berger says it's up to progressives to crank the pressure up not just on Kucinich but all our elected representatives. "We are encouraging our grassroots groups (http://www.911truth.org/page.php?page=grassroots_contacts), in addition to the other significant education and outreach work they're doing, to repeatedly lobby their representatives, at home and in DC. The grassroots lobbyists will present them with strongest, verified information. They will also ask for support for Kucinich (and) demand a reinvestigation. We hope that continued pressure will result in hearings."



Neoconvict is a Southern California-based activist who has written for Brad Blog and Justice through Music. he is currently working on the Clint Curtis for Congress campaign in FL-24 against the corrupt Tom Feeney.