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09-24-2007, 09:39 PM
Family Guy skewers Bush, Cheney 'in a galaxy far, far away'

http://rawstory.com//news/2007/Political_messages_in_6th_season_premiere_0924.htm l

David Edwards and Ron Brynaert
Published: Monday September 24, 2007

Seth MacFarlane's animated sit-com Family Guy, which airs on the Fox network, revved up its sixth season on Sunday by taking aim at a familiar target: George Bush. However, the sequences which skewered Bush, Cheney, and fellow Republicans were set "a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away."

Writing for the blog, The Largest Minority (http://www.jwharrison.com/blog/2007/09/24/political-messages-in-the-simpsons-and-family-guy-season-premieres/), Manila Ryce observes, "The opening sequence of this Star Wars Special shows the evil Star Destroyer with a Bush/Cheney bumper sticker on the back as it chases Princess Leia’s ship. A fairly simple, but effective gag."

Presidential candidate Senator Hillary Clinton (D-NY) recently referred to Cheney as Darth Vader, as reported by Politico's Ben Smith (http://www.politico.com/blogs/bensmith/0907/Darth_Cheney.html).

Smith wrote, "'Vice President [Dick] Cheney came up to see the Republicans yesterday. You can always tell when the Republicans are getting restless, because the Vice President’s motorcade pulls into the Capitol, and Darth Vader emerges,' Hillary Clinton said just now (video) (http://www.breitbart.tv/html/5815.html) at a $100-a-head fundraiser at town hall near New York's Times Square, referring to Cheney's efforts shore up Republican congressional support for the Iraq war."

Another clip from the show, as noted at The Largest Minority, featured "C-3PO and Skywalker listening to right-wing talk radio."

"A voice which sounds amazingly like Rush Limbaugh bitches about the 'liberal galactic media,' says that global warming is a myth created by said media, and attributes the promotion of Lando Calrissian to affirmative action," Ryce writes. "The third clip rounds out the episode with Stewie making a crack about rising gas prices. True to their bumper sticker, and despite their technological advances, the Empire is evidently still reliant on fossil fuels."

As RAW STORY (http://rawstory.com/) previously reported (http://rawstory.com/news/2007/Family_Guy_connects_Bush_and_Osama_0523.html), a prior Family Guy episode poked fun at President Bush by showing his Crawford, Texas ranch house being guarded by his vice president, Dick Cheney, who was shown napping on a rocking chair with a rifle clutched to his chest.

09-25-2007, 12:28 AM
Watched it. It was pretty funny. But the idea does feel a bit derivative, after Robot Chicken already did it, which, to their credit, Family Guy admitted.

09-25-2007, 06:48 AM
Not a family guy fan... They rip off the Simpsons too much, IMO. That being said, I thought that shit was hysterical.