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View Full Version : Nearly 800 Turn Out For Minneapolis Screening Of "PFT" On 9/11 Anniversary

09-20-2007, 09:41 PM
Nearly 800 Turn Out for Minneapolis Screening on 9/11 Anniversary



The Riverview Theater, a 700-seat movie theater in Minneapolis, was filled beyond capacity for the Sept. 11th sixth anniversary showing of '9/11 Press For Truth'. Many sat on the stairs or stood for an hour and a half, while other unfortunate late-comers were turned away.

Famed FBI 9/11 whistleblower Coleen Rowley (2002 'Time Magazine' Person of the Year) introduced the movie, followed by Catherine Statz, who lost her sister at the Pentagon six years ago. Former Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura was in attendance, as were several of the makers of 'Press For Truth'.

Many who were at the showing remained for another two hours at a follow-up Q&A across the street at the Riverview Cafe hosted by director Ray Nowosielski, co-producer John Duffy, and "wall of TVs" computer animator Erik Potter, along with Rowley and Statz.

Local television Fox9 News covered the packed event for an evening news story that truly was fair and balanced. View it below.

Click Here (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CPB-qsTTwsk) (GooTube)

"Jersey Girl" Lorie Van Auken, a 9/11 widow whose story was told in 'Press For Truth', appeared that evening on the national Air America radio program 'Clout!', calling for the release of the entire CIA Inspector General's Report on 9/11. Listen here. Executive producer Kyle Hence also appeared on Portland Radio to talk about the movie.

09-20-2007, 09:43 PM
Wish there were a few more zeros in that number...