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View Full Version : 9/11 Was Definitely An Inside Job

09-10-2007, 08:17 AM
Greetings to All:

This post contains a recent letter to the New York Police Department filing an official complaint against the true terrorists behind the 9/11 attacks, but with my personal information omitted and picture linking changed to actual pictures for easier reading. The more I investigate the evidence from the 9/11 attacks, the more it dawns on me that New York’s Finest were used as pawns in a deadly charade that destroyed over 3000 American lives and is continuing to kill even more.


My name is Terral L. Croft ( http://www.ae911truth.org/joinus.php ) and I am the son of a General Contractor who is also the son of a General Contractor with decades of experience in building demolition and construction. Much of my free time, since the fifth anniversary of 9/11, has been spent gathering and assimilating data on those attacks and the discrepancies between the evidence and the Official Bush Administration Cover Stories. I am drafting this letter in the minutes after making my request for a contact and email address on Saturday April 28th, 2007, but with anticipation of being read by a very skeptical audience. After all, the NYPD has been on the case for over five years, so who is this guy to be contacting you in the first place? I understand that you must receive messages like this all the time, but I must ask you to please put away your defenses for a few minutes to examine the evidence very carefully and decide for yourselves. There is a truckload of ‘disinformation’ out there clouding the judgment of Americans on these 9/11 topics, that you must recognize and purge from your mental environment for this waking-up process to have any impact whatsoever.

Please allow me to begin with the cases of Flight 93 (Shanksville) and Flight 77 (Pentagon), before focusing in on the evidence relating to WTC-7 and the Twin Towers attacks. While this presentation is prepared for the skeptical reader, I must also expect that you have some expertise in weighing the evidence to separate fact from fiction. Therefore, we must concentrate and focus on the evidence and not upon our own preconceived notions engrained in our minds by the Media.



Go through all of the pictures to realize no 100-ton Jetliner ever crashed in the field outside of Shanksville, Pennsylvania. Nobody on earth can show you the 60 tons of high grade aluminum, the two multi-ton Rolls Royce Engines, fuselage, seats, cargo, tail section or anything else, because no Jetliner ever crashed here. Use your own search engine to try and locate a single picture of crashed Jetliner looking anything like the real deal:



When you are thoroughly convinced that no 100-ton Jetliner crashed anywhere near Shanksville, then examine the evidence for Flight 77 supposedly crashing into the Pentagon:



The top link is to the official website and the Photobucket links are to my own archive of the evidence. I am forced to use the Photobucket account, because these websites oftentimes restrict the linking to their pictures. None of the original pictures have been altered in any way, unless otherwise noted in a demonstration. This ‘impact scale’ picture shows the West Wedge “E-Ring” wall of the Pentagon, after the fire was extinguished the first time, but before the second and subsequent floors have fallen. Note that only two windows from the second floor are destroyed completely and that some of the windows in direct proximity to those remain unbroken. The most important items in this picture are the cable spools standing in front of the E-Ring wall. The distance from the tops of those cable spools to the bottom of the still intact second floor is only about seven feet! Note the three orange columns bent back in our direction and away from the original blast zone located inside the white circle. How did an almost 50-foot tall and 125-foot wide 100-ton Jetliner pass over those cable spools and under the second floor and leave those columns standing? Do the firemen look concerned about saving anyone from the 100-ton Jetliner? No! Look carefully at the green lawn for any sign of Jetliner debris and you will find none.


Here is another shot of the same picture that shows the West Wedge wall still very much intact and nothing on the lawn at all. How did 100 tons of Jetliner pass into that wall? You should be able to see that is very much impossible. The Official Bush Administration Cover Story says 100 tons of jetliner vaporized into thin air, before even striking the Pentagon, but take an even closer look at the cable spools:


The amount of energy required to vaporize 60 tons of high grade aluminum, the twin Rolls Royce engines and everything else is astronomical. So how does kerosene vaporize the Jetliner, but the black plastic covering is still on these spools?? Do you see any melted aluminum anywhere? No! You are looking at the aftermath of a Tomahawk Missile attack, which left the ‘inside’ of the Pentagon burning red hot (over cable spools), but the West Wedge wall shielded these spools from the initial blast; which tipped two of those spools back in our direction with the three bent columns. Donald Rumsfeld told Parade Magazine that this damage was done by a ‘missile’ on the day after 9/11.



This brings us to the five ‘official’ frames released by the Pentagon (running beside Rumsfeld’s words shaded in yellow) showing their version of the Jetliner. These five frames show that Donald Rumsfeld’s original statements to Parade were indeed correct AND the Official Bush Administration Cover Story of today is a LIE. Watch the little running video over and over again to recognize the ‘white vapor trail’ common to Tomahawk Missiles. Please follow along in this little exercise to gain the full impact of what you are really looking at:



This is the first frame showing our flying object entering the screen on the far right in direct line with the top of the right hand column. These construction cones are made at 28 inches to conform to DOT specifications. We can use that information to calculate the height of the right hand column to be just about 5 feet in elevation above the ground. Then sight the horizon in the distance to realize our camera elevation is being held parallel to the ground at that 5 foot elevation. Run your eyes across the top of the right hand column to also realize the flying object is ‘centered’ at precisely the same 5 foot height above the ground. Then measure the distance between the ground and the center of the flying object to realize that distance is a bit over twice the diameter of the flying object itself. In other words, our flying object in this picture cannot be greater than just under 2 feet in diameter, which just happens to be the size of a Tomahawk Missile ( http://www.designation-systems.net/dusrm/m-109.html#_SLCM )! Note the distorted characteristics of the white flying object (frame 1 pic) entering the right hand of the picture to realize it is traveling at about the speed of sound and creating a ‘bow shockwave’ that is distorting the air around it. The missile is transferring energy from the engine to the bow shockwave, which extended out on both sides and knocked down these light poles along the trajectory heading:


This missile descended from 7000 feet to make a 270 degree turn and strike the only section of the Pentagon to be renovated with a sprinkler system in just about 2 and a half minutes like this:


Even our elite fighter pilots cannot make this hairpin turn and descend over a mile and fly just above the ground in a 100-ton Jetliner Pig! Instead of being under 2 feet in diameter, a real picture of a Boeing 757-200 Jetliner should look more like this:


When you raise the entire Jetliner up to pass over the tops of those cable spools, then we are already very much into the third floor, which does not even begin to account for the tail section standing almost 50 feet above the tarmac. There is no government requisition for removing over 60 tons of aluminum from either of these crash sites, because there was never any Jetliner crash in either case. The Pentagon is protected by five highly sophisticated missile batteries that had to be turned off from the ‘inside’ for this kind of attack to even take place. Dick Eastman’s assessments on Rumsfeld’s involvement tell the story:


Jamie McIntire, the chief Pentagon Correspondent from CNN gave his “No Plane” testimony from in front of the Pentagon on 9/11:


This leads us to the WTC-7 cases that do fall within the jurisdiction of the New York Police Department.


Hold your cursor on the round scrollbar and move WTC-7 up and down again and again to realize the center of the building is collapsing ahead of the two sides. The Official Bush Administration Cover Story says falling debris from WTC-1 traveled over 350 feet to impact WTC-7, which caused a chain reaction that caused the entire 47 story steel skyscraper to come tumbling down into its own footprint. That claim is not only ridiculous and supported by none of the evidence, but it is very much impossible; as no steel skyscraper in the history of this planet has fallen down due to fire, before or since 9/11. The problem with the Official Cover Story is that building fires burn at around 800 degrees ( http://www.schwabcorp.com/faqs.htm = #8), while the steel columns and beams in WTC-7 begin melting at 2800 degrees. WTC-7 was designed and built using ‘Compartmentalization’ of all supporting beams and columns, which eliminated ‘fire’ as a probable cause:



The beams were separated by solid concrete slabs horizontally and curtain walls vertically, which does not even account for the 3-hour ‘spray-on’ fireproofing on all the columns and those encased in gypsum wallboard. Any ‘fuel source’ would run out long before penetrating these safety features, as the typical building fire burns in a single location for an average of only 20 minutes.


Take a long look at the steel framework we are talking about and try to imagine how any number of building fires could reduce that into this . . .


. . . in just a matter of hours. The energy required for severing all of these supporting columns, girders and beams simultaneously is off the charts! There is simply no way for ‘all’ of the compartments to become penetrated by any ‘fire’ that could cause the catastrophic failure of ‘all’ the supporting beams and columns at the very same time. The only way this is made possible is through ‘controlled demolition’ and evidence for that is everywhere in WTC-1, WTC-2 and WTC-7!!


If you are not aware of the destructive properties of ‘termite’ and how this compound is used in controlled demolition, then take a little time and watch these demonstrations.


The American Free Press writer Christopher Bollyn’s ‘discusses the evidence’ commentary is attached to the picture of the NY Firemen standing among the fallen supporting columns. Direct your attention to the column just above the head of the fireman facing us:


This is a cut from that picture used to make this demonstration: Note the “Termite Residue” flowing on the ‘outside’ and ‘inside’ of the massive column with the 45-degree ‘shaped charge’ cut.


09-10-2007, 08:19 AM

This same picture is used to demonstrate “shaped charges” on this website with information about how they are used to make column lines ‘walk’ in a desired direction. Iron workers do not use these 45-degree cuts during demolition using torches, because they use more fuel and are very dangerous. Look carefully at the ‘cut3’ picture above to realize molten iron has poured out in ‘our direction’ to spill onto the face of the column. How did any iron worker stand ‘inside’ the column to make this cut? The answer is that this column was taken down using a ‘shaped termite charge’ that burns at 2500 Degrees Centigrade, which caused three quarters of the burn to fall ‘outside’ the column and about one quarter to fall on the ‘inside.’ This column is standing about 6 feet over the top of the fireman’s head, which is more evidence that no ironworker make this cut at all. Move down the ‘shaped charges’ webpage to find this picture:


Here again we see stub columns cut using ‘shaped charges’ and a 45-degree angle.


Here is a picture of the ‘SAVE’ columns showing what the steel supports above those stub columns would look like with their corresponding 45-degree cuts. However, the “Official Bush Administration Cover Story” says WTC-7 was taken down by fire. So where is the evidence of melted steel on either the larger upper sections or the shorter stub columns? How do you explain the fact that only the 45-degree shape charge cuts appear as culprits in this crime? Again, the ‘fire theory’ simply does not match the ‘evidence’ in this case. Here is another of my demonstration pictures matching up the upper column with the shorter stub column:


The longer upper column shows signs of stress from an immense amount of pressure shifting during the ‘controlled demolition’ process. The ‘shaped termite charge’ burns very quickly at 2500 Degrees Centigrade to begin the ‘sliding’ process. The upper column moves to the left, while the much shorter stub column is moved to the right. For a brief period measured in milliseconds, the massive weight bearing down through this column was transferred from the very right side of the upper column to the lower left side of the stub column. That caused the upper column to ‘bend’ under the extreme pressure, while the lower stub column was moved to the right. These are all signs of ‘controlled demolition,’ because any ironworker torch cut would not place these extreme pressures on the upper and lower steel segments. In fact, the ironworker arguments all go out the window when you begin looking at all the evidence:



Find the “45 Degree Angle Shaped Charge” Cut in the upper right hand corner to realize no ironworker climbed up there to make this cut using any torch. Do you see any signs that these steel columns failed due to being melted by fire? No. Where is the fire damage on any of the 90-degree cut Column Ends; and if these were cut by iron workers, then why are they still present in the debris? Standard procedure is to ‘cut and remove’ the iron debris to avoid shifting any weight that can endanger the workers. These workers have tons of debris to remove, before they can even think about cutting through the massive steel columns and beams, but as you can see many of them are cut already!

You are probably aware of Larry Silverstein’s “Pull it” statements better than this guy from Florida.


Mr. Silverstein’s statements are far more incriminating that many realize:

"I remember getting a call from the, er, fire department commander, telling me that they were not sure they were gonna be able to contain the fire, and I said, 'We've had such terrible loss of life, maybe the smartest thing to do is pull it.' And they made that decision to pull and we watched the building collapse."

1. The pictures of WTC-7 falling at almost ‘freefall speed’ . . .



. . . do not even show evidence of fire in the unbroken windows. Remember our massive columns and beams are located very near these windows and require 2,800 degrees to begin melting. The entire WTC-7 building has sprinklers installed and fire alarms that never went off, but for some reason ‘pulling it’ made more sense than putting out the fire.


Note the 'kink' created in the top of the collapsing structure taken down by 'controlled demolition.'

2. Setting these shaped charges all over WTC-7, to compromise all the compartmentalized safeguards, requires weeks or even months by a highly skilled demolition crew. There is simply no way that Mr. Silverstein decides to ‘pull it’ and the entire 47 stories comes tumbling down into its own footprint without careful planning and execution of that plan.

3. If the ‘decision’ was made to ‘pull it,’ then why is Mr. Silverstein seeking a claim for a ‘fire’ related catastrophe?

4. The ‘time’ required to set all of these charges means Mr. Silverstein had prior knowledge of the 9/11 attacks, which was also knowledge held by then Mayor Giuliani.

What many Americans do not know is that Mayor Giuliani was heading up the second of five “Anti-Terror” Exercises leading up to 9/11.


Mayor Giuliani’s responsibility was to carry out the provisions of “Biowarfare Exercise Tripod 2,” which included FEMA setting up emergency operations in New York City for themselves, the City of New York and the Justice Department. FEMA showed up the day before 9/11 to set up that emergency command center on the 23rd floor of WTC-7 in Giuliani’s 15-million dollar upgraded Emergency Command Bunker. However, Mayor Giuliani also tipped his hand about foreknowledge of the 9/11 attacks by diverting the FEMA people to set up operations at Pier 29 instead. Giuliani got his wires crossed and forgot that he was supposed to send FEMA to Pier 29 ‘after’ the Twin Towers were attacked and not on the day prior to 9/11. Giuliani told Peter Jennings, “We were operating out of there when we were told that the WorldTradeCenter was gonna collapse,” but that would have been impossible on 9/10! These five anti-terrorist warfare exercises included ‘live-fly’ exercises using up to 22 hi-jacked aircraft under the direction of Vice-president Dick Cheney.


President Bush was hiding conspicuously down here in Florida to help separate himself from all of these ‘war games’ being carried out right under our noses. As you know, Giuliani is currently the leading Republican candidate for president of these United States, which will represent "Four More Years" of Senor Bush and his evil out-of-control Administration. The Department of Justice is implicated by their involvement with Giuliani in the Biowarfare Tripod 2 exercise, which gave that office and the Department of Defense, the Joint-Chiefs, NORAD and everyone involved ‘prior knowledge’ of the 9/11 attacks. The 9/11 Commission Fiasco represents the ‘insiders’ using a ploy in an attempt to ‘cover up’ their involvement in these crimes against We The People. Senor Bush has been using the War in Iraq to smokescreen and divert our attention away from the ‘true terrorists’ working within our own Federal and State Governments. This is all about bringing in their North American Union that destroys American Sovereignty while undermining our God-given rights of our US Constitution and Bill of Rights. My model predicts these same ‘insider terrorists’ will attack again, but this time they will be using a nuclear warhead in their Enhanced 109-A Tomahawk Missile, when operation “Long Reach” strikes the northeastern quadrant of Oakland, California. In other words, someone with the authority in New York City must begin bringing the ‘true terrorists’ to justice, or they will certainly strike again to bring this once great country under Martial Law. Our military has been practicing ‘urban-warfare’ in Iraq for all these years in anticipation of bringing them home to merge with Federal, State and Local law enforcement people just like you! My work on this topic can be found here:

http://www.christian-forum.net/index.php?showtopic=10876&st=0 (http://www.christian-forum.net/index.php?showtopic=10611&st=0)

I am more than happy to assist you in anyway possible in bringing these evil men to justice and to set things right, so We The People can have closure and begin working together to make our country great once again. Thank you very much and God bless you,


Terral L. Croft

Sent : Saturday, April 28, 2007 11:28 AM


Thank you for contacting the City of New York. Your message has been forwarded
to the appropriate agency for review and handling.

For future reference, your service request number is 1-1-312824690.


The City of New York

09-10-2007, 08:35 AM
Nice job... But we have known all of that for years now. I don't think I saw anything in there that hasn't been done to death. This facet of 911 truth is almost a moot point now. Notice I said almost. This information can be used to help the unaware to understand.

09-10-2007, 09:55 AM
Yeah, we call it "preaching to the choir". We know this already.

You sound like a Brave Dude - so go out into the world and spread the truth.

Your presentation is perfect. Use it to convince those who have never seen the facts, never heard the painful truth about 9/11.

09-10-2007, 10:40 AM
Hi Guys:

Augmentor >> But we have known all of that for years now. I don't think I saw anything in there that hasn't been done to death.

Chana >> Yeah, we call it "preaching to the choir". We know this already.

Both of you appear oblivious to the fact that new 911Truthers are joining The Movement every day. You alienate new members by pretending everyone is as ‘up-to-date’ as Augmentor and Chana pretend to be. Please send me to the link where both of you have taken the time to present your “9/11 Inside Job” evidence in a NYPD report, so I can copy your “service request number” and add my concerns to yours. I would also be interested in the links to where each of you have determined the ‘accurate’ diameter of the flying object from the DoD Frame1 security footage to be just under 2 feet (20.9 inches actually). Sending condescending drivel in my direction does nothing to advocate or oppose the “Inside Job” thesis of the Opening Post at all. If there is nothing new in my Opening Post for “Augmentor” and “Chana,” then neither of you has any business writing on this thread. If “We know this already” is applicable to ‘everyone,’ then please explain why a murderer is still running this country from the White House.

Never Mind. One look at Augmentor’s signature (“Attempting to give a F. . .”) and Chana’s oversized (100x100 pixels is max you know) avatar (“KMFA”) proves I do not even belong here. You people should be ashamed . . . No thank you . . . I can find the door.



09-10-2007, 11:37 AM
I must admit I only read some of what you posted because most of it seems to be whats been well established. I do not mean to say that your post was worthless, as I am sure Augmentor and Chana did not wish to imply. If you have new evidence I would recommend stating this evidence at the top of your post, somewhat utilizing the newspaper article aproach to writing.

09-10-2007, 12:32 PM
The No Plane at the Pentagon theory is a hoax. The Flight 93 stuff is highly speculative at best. Keep the demolition material: oh yeah, they blew up those buildings for sure.

Thanks for taking the time to submit your research as public complaint.

09-10-2007, 12:59 PM
Terral still has a great presentation, and I'll send it out to people.

We had a "Terral" in our Florida truth movement for a while - wonder if he's the same guy ??

Didn't mean to offend the dude, and I just recently posted info about New Truthers coming on board http://www.yourbbsucks.com/forum/showthread.php?t=16731
Nationally Recognized Engineers and Scientist Call for New 9/11 Investigation

I like my Avatar (expresses my true feelings) :butt:

09-10-2007, 01:36 PM
yeah it was/is a good post. I think with posting on forums people need to develop a thicker skin. I am sorry he got bent outta shape, but really Terral your response seems a bit over-dramatic.

Let me say....Welcome to YBBS
and sorry to see you leave so quickly.

09-10-2007, 02:16 PM
werther has a way with words :)

09-10-2007, 06:54 PM
The No Plane at the Pentagon theory is a hoax. The Flight 93 stuff is highly speculative at best. Keep the demolition material: oh yeah, they blew up those buildings for sure.

Thanks for taking the time to submit your research as public complaint.I'd like to back what this gentleman had to say. This is a public forum, and we all have the right to comment on posts here. Kinda the point of a message board. I SAID it was a nice job, and I stand by that. There is not so much as a COMMA in your post that this site does not contain, and most of us have not read. You think going to the NYPD is the way to go? Via con dios mi amigo! Let us know how that pans out for ya.
As far as attacking avatars and signatures, mine is meant as a JOKE. You know, humor? Go read some of my other posts and see who I am before you start running your mouth. You may want to unclench that sphincter muscle a notch or two before you get hemmoroids. I have done alot of time in this movement, starting about 15 minutes after the collapse of the first tower. I don't need to justify myself to anyone, least of all you. Now play nice or get lost. If you're just hurt we didn't get down and blow you for your well put together article, of fuckin wellsie. It WAS well done. There, I said it again! I merely pointed out that even a total nOOb that came here would know all of that in a few minutes of reading. And you will notice you are wrong on a few points. Those in this movement who think they KNOW everything are the ones we KNOW IMMEDIATELY are full of shizzle! A true truther KNOWS there is alot we DON'T know. They stick with evidence that can be PROVEN. Those of us that have been here a while don't even BOTHER with controlled demolition and missles at the Pentagon. There is PLENTY of verifiable evidence we use for proof. So, your point was?

09-10-2007, 06:57 PM
werther has a way with words :)*hurt look* So do I! Looka at how diplomatically I handled that!!! LOLOLOL ;)

09-10-2007, 07:45 PM
lol! I figured since I didn't see Augmentor on the board at the time I would try and soften the blow for when Augmentor did see his post.

My point still stands. Grow thicker skin.

I had the same reaction when I first saw the post title and the post as Augmentor and Chana. To post "9-11 was definitely an inside job" on a board that is already of that opinion was somewhat a slap in the face. If he said "review my presentation" or something like that, I would have felt more inclined to read it.

09-10-2007, 10:32 PM
My point still stands. Grow thicker skin.

I covered this HERE:

You may want to unclench that sphincter muscle a notch or two before you get hemmoroids.
I just worded it a bit differently!

09-10-2007, 11:38 PM
I was somewhat offended by his comment that we would alienate new truthers - Not So!! I want to *hug* new truthers.

When I encounter someone who has just swallowed the red pill, I know they need some time to digest the truth. I want to hold their hand and answer any questions they have. That point in a person's life is a terrible awakening, and they will go through many emotions to deal with this painful truth.

I remember what I went through when I came to understand and believe the truth about 9/11 -- my sense of security as an American was shattered FOREVER. I was numb for months and couldn't quit researching 9/11 truth. The more I researched, the more I believed, the number I got. No one was there to help me.

The last thing I felt like doing was going to the police department (LOL) especially the NYPD. I've become paranoid of all government officials.

I'll move to Costa Rica someday and never look back.