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View Full Version : How do we know all of THIS is true?

08-30-2007, 04:18 AM
Okay, me and my wife have been following all of this like crazy for a couple of years now, but it's becoming harder and harder to accept some of this. Such as: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=4382151310886411718&q=Rise+of+the+Police+State&total=354&start=0&num=100&so=0&type=search&plindex=1

Videos like this... how are they still up? On a major corperation like Google's video program, and obviously exposing a TON of truth... why hasn't the government just said "Take that down. Thanks, here's a cookie."?

Seriously, it's extreamly easy to get access to all of this "Truth", isn't the government able to just tell someone "Don't post that, we will kill your family." etc etc etc?

How is a video like this still up, if it's exposing the truth the Government doesn't want us to know? The same goes with every video out there, and every document out there. If the government fears an educated populus, then why do they allow us to find these things, and become educated?

It's just been bothering both of us, and we want to accept all of this as truth like you wouldn't believe. We've gone so far as to discuss plans to move out of the country... but these issues and questions still linger withen our minds...

Anyone have answers?

08-30-2007, 08:31 AM
With a medium as Jeffersonian as the internet, if the government made a point to take down objects of dissent, such actions would only draw attention to them.

Moreover, we know that the Iraq war was planned long before 2003....long before September 2001. There is the PNAC letter to Clinton written in 98 urging Clinton to oust Saddam. There are the NSC meetings which occured only 10 and 12 days after Bushes innaguration in which they discussed taking out saddam. There are the leaked memos from January 2001 stating a plan for discussion of a 'post-saddam iraq'. There are the leaked memos from the same time frame which show iraq divied up according oil plots with designations as to whom will control what region. There is the Downing Street memo. Etc We know for a fact that everything the administration and the media told us prior to the war was an outright lie, but still we do nothing. 'They' rely and depend on our consistent complacency.

08-30-2007, 09:03 AM
As far as them not taking things down that are against their best intrests: Why do they need to waste the resources? They change wikipedia as it suits them, and beyond that I think they know that we aren't going to be doing SHIT. There are a few types of people that view these things. Those of us who know most of it is possible, but really aren't going to do anything about it, as we are rendered impotent by our belief there is nothing we could do to change it. There are those people who watch these videos that actually get MAD that they are allowed to be posted. They think we are commy pinkos or some such.
Then, there are people who found them by accident. This last can choose a path that ultimately leads to one of the two other places I described. Or they can go back and look for midget porn or sports scores. Most of them are oblivious to the things that take place behind the scenes. They pay taxes, vote, and think there is SOME corruption, and always will be.

08-30-2007, 09:12 AM

my second diatribe up there was trying to illustrate exactly what you said Augie. Given the history of American complacency, why would the government even waste their time?

08-30-2007, 09:48 AM
When instead, people who look at these things and dare to believe any of it are regarded as conspiracy nuts? No matter how normal you appear, if you let someone into your belief system enough, they look at you like you just killed a puppy. All the while, I feel the same contempt for people who dont' see how things really are. And that is not to say that I just carte blanche believe everything I see. It takes a while to find other sources and talk to people before it gets the tinfoil seal of approval.

08-30-2007, 04:10 PM
Ah, I see... we were just wondering because we know that the internet was created by the government oh so long ago. Thanks for the answers, I can go back to doing my research now!

08-30-2007, 07:11 PM
Ah, I see... we were just wondering because we know that the internet was created by the government oh so long ago. Thanks for the answers, I can go back to doing my research now!Really? I thought it was created by scientists to exchange data.

08-30-2007, 10:36 PM
i kinda feel bad for the people who don't believe that this could happen. then again sometimes i wish i would have taken the red pill (or is it the blue pill?..gonna have to watch the matrix again...what happens if you take them both at once with a shot of jameson? lol)

zen my advise to you is to keep reading and watching videos and just pay attention...at the very least they have set this country up to be a police state with the next big "event" that comes down the pike.

there are many factors involved in all of this .....one can't deny that the dollar is losing its power and one also cant deny that at 300 million people we are a bit out numbered.

also i've come to find that a couple of videos out there tend to take liberties on how they present the "evidence" and i real think that it hurts the over all movement, however it all is very interesting to me and i think most people can figure it out for themselves. once you start seeing "coincidence" after "coincidence" you gotta wonder if they really are coincidences....

anyways i know i get a bit scatter brained and long winded so i will stop there.... just thought i would throw my two cents in

08-30-2007, 10:43 PM
good post 78naujsrk (what on Earth does your name mean?).

I would present The New Pearl Harbor as the red pill and debunking 9-11 myths as the blue pill. Kinda like throwing down the gauntlet. No more going up to celebrities like 'Al Franken' and saying "why don't you believe this or that", just throw those two books at them and say "read motherfucker". I am confident New Pearl Harbor will overtake their curiousity.

08-30-2007, 10:44 PM
christian? is that what your screen name is?

08-30-2007, 10:54 PM
You know him. That is KRSJUAN backwards. He's been around for a while. His name is a rather obscure rap refrence...

08-30-2007, 10:59 PM
i kinda feel bad for the people who don't believe that this could happen. then again sometimes i wish i would have taken the red pill (or is it the blue pill?..gonna have to watch the matrix again...what happens if you take them both at once with a shot of jameson? lol)

zen my advise to you is to keep reading and watching videos and just pay attention...at the very least they have set this country up to be a police state with the next big "event" that comes down the pike.

there are many factors involved in all of this .....one can't deny that the dollar is losing its power and one also cant deny that at 300 million people we are a bit out numbered.

also i've come to find that a couple of videos out there tend to take liberties on how they present the "evidence" and i real think that it hurts the over all movement, however it all is very interesting to me and i think most people can figure it out for themselves. once you start seeing "coincidence" after "coincidence" you gotta wonder if they really are coincidences....

anyways i know i get a bit scatter brained and long winded so i will stop there.... just thought i would throw my two cents in

Well, thank you for your advice, but that's not really what I was asking. I know for a fact that all of this can happen, and have been doing the research on it for quite a long time. The question I was asking was about how easily available all this information is.

I'm part of quite a few underground organizations for different reasons. In order to obtain the data, it's a rather tedious process. But it seems when it comes to the truth about America and the Police State, the information is as easy as Google. I , and many others, find this a tad suspicious. What's to say the government isn't creating all of this as well? Wouldn't Anarchy in the United States be just as effective in creating a Police State as mock "Terrorism"?

It wouldn't be all that far fetched that the government puts these documentaries together to "get us riled up". Do you see where I'm coming from? It's hard to believe that I can learn such a top secret thing as the 911 cover up, or the Skull and Bones off of a cooperate ran site such as Google, yet I can.

How do we know when we are being fed, instead of finding out ourselves? That's my question... I don't doubt any of this, I in fact fight it.


08-30-2007, 11:10 PM
no my name is this name backwords because gold ignored my aol requests for like 3 weeks to reset the password on this name....i had lost my way from the truth and i really wanted to post so i made a new name out of this one....

blah blah blah....so i'm back now...

08-30-2007, 11:12 PM
no my name is this name backwords because gold ignored my aol requests for like 3 weeks to reset the password on this name....i had lost my way from the truth and i really wanted to post so i made a new name out of this one....

blah blah blah....so i'm back now...but wait, that IS your name! You got it reset?

08-30-2007, 11:29 PM
auggie- yea gold reset it..i'm just lazy i logged on to the other name and never bothered to come back to this one....

zen-if there wasn't such a mountain of evidence and if there werent never ending sources and history to back up, not to mention people who were in new york on 9-11, prior knoweledge, and on and on...then maybe i would buy into your idea of riling up the masses...but why would they pass anti terrorism laws if the wanted us riled up...... i bet organizing a militia wouldnt really be in any of our best interests at this moment considering that i'm sure this site is monitered by those in power.... and that could be mis construed as a terrorist organazation (like theve done to earth first and peta)....

08-31-2007, 12:26 AM
auggie UGGG!!! Why do ppl do this to me? Even with my fuckin screen name in a forum? My name is Andrew, thus I am called Andy, and I hate it. How fucking gay does THAT shound? I give myself the COOLEST screen name on the PLANET, and it is reduced to Auggie? UGGG!
Please, call me Aug if you HAVE to shorten it. Just kidding. If you do it again I will hunt you down and gut you like a deer! Just kidding. Really. I'm in a wierd place cuz I am tired, but have drank sooo much soda and coofee today that if I died RIGHT NOW I think my body would go on typing for a while (I wonder what it would say?) 911 was an inside Job maybe?

09-01-2007, 12:09 AM
sorry bout that mr mentor....as coincidence may have had it i too was chocked full of caffiene yesterday and i made a hastey decision to call u auggie and for that i will ever be sorry.....peace