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View Full Version : History Channel: 9/11 Conspiracies Bit Torrent Download

08-24-2007, 01:22 PM
Bit torrent to the rescue. I know it's coming on again tomorrow night, but if I can't wait that long, I'd assume some of you can't either ;)

9/11 Conspiracies - Fact or Fiction? (http://dl.torrentreactor.net/download.php?id=1156829&name=History+Channel+-++911Conspiracies+-+-+Fact+or+Fiction.avi.torrent)

08-24-2007, 01:32 PM
This "documentary" proved to me that Controlled Demolition, Missiles hitting the Pentagon, Flight 93 shot down, etc... is NOT the information we should be focusing on. There's a reason why the media chooses those things, and ignores everything else. Because it sounds crazy. Period. The definition of insanity is repeating the same mistakes, and expecting different results. As long as this movement continues to promote the wrong things, it will never succeed.

08-24-2007, 02:17 PM
My feelings exactly Jon! I will save the torrent sites for what they were meant for, midget porn and scat films.