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05-02-2005, 07:27 PM
Scarborough Responds to FAIR

Activism Update (5/2/05)

On April 29, FAIR issued an action alert (http://www.fair.org/index.php?page=2505) pointing out that G. Gordon Liddy, who appeared on a Scarborough Country segment on violent talk radio rhetoric (MSNBC, 4/27/05), had on his own radio show advocated shooting federal agents (http://www.fair.org/index.php?page=1313). FAIR received this response from the show's host, Joe Scarborough:

Just saw your site's write up on my show with G. Gordon Liddy.

I admit that I am shocked that I did not have personal knowledge of Liddy's statement. I remembered Bill Clinton blaming Liddy for Oklahoma City but obviously did not know the back story. As one who has stayed on top of pop culture and media since my teenage years, I am embarrassed I did not recall that shocking statement.

Secondly, I am surprised our team did not have this information at hand when we did the segment. It was an embarrassing oversight and one that I will mention on an upcoming show.

Ironically, the point of the segment was to focus on how inflammatory talk radio has become and what is required to get good ratings. Having the Liddy comments on air was a great opportunity that we lost.

Thanks for your work to hold reporters and journalists accountable. Such a service is invaluable for those of us who want to be fair.

All the best,

Joe Scarborough

FAIR thanks Scarborough for his refreshing openness to criticism. Thanks as well to all the activists who wrote in response to our alert.