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View Full Version : When will the FBI release all the Pentagon and surrounding video?????

08-14-2007, 06:37 PM
This makes me sick to my stomach people. This can’t be really happening. We need to demand that we see all the video element of this crime. This is our country damn it! I believe that the Washington D.C secret black government used most likely a very stealth weapon to make this type of clean damage to a structure of such size with no one witnessing a 767 anywhere in the area that is proven. Americans, hell the world needs to stand up now.


08-14-2007, 06:51 PM
It's a good question. Why won't they release the 84 videos in existence? Some have speculated that it's because a 757 did not hit the Pentagon, and that instead, it was a missile, or, in your words, "a very stealth weapon." Others have speculated it's because the Pentagon's defenses were, in fact, activated, and that is considered "classified information." Others have speculated that the military plane overhead appears in some of the videos. Others have speculated that it was indeed Flight 77.

The fact of the matter is, there is a lot of evidence to indicate it was Flight 77. Some of the information promoted about the Pentagon is nonsense. However, because the videos are not available, it's impossible to say with 100% conviction what exactly hit the Pentagon. Therefore, I don't think it's wise for anyone to state, as fact, that something other than Flight 77 hit the Pentagon.

It's better to ask for the videos (which is incriminating in and of itself that they refuse to release them) because you don't want to promote something that may be wrong. They will use it against you.

08-14-2007, 06:58 PM
Thanks for signing up.

08-14-2007, 07:37 PM

I too agree with you...Those videos need to be obtained through FOIA request. I think there are numerous ones already in, but itss well within individual right for you to submit one.

08-14-2007, 08:03 PM
Here is an example of why stating that Flight 77 did not hit the Pentagon, as fact, can be troublesome.

Person A: "Flight 77 did not hit the Pentagon."

Person B: "Ok then, what did?"

Person A: "A missile."

Person B: "A missile you say? Do you have a picture of it?"

Person A: "Well no, but it sure makes sense."

Person B: "What about the pictures of plane wreckage found at the site?"

Person A: "It had to be planted there."

Person B: "What about the witnesses who say they saw a 757?"

Person A: "They were all actors."

Person B: "Ok, you have a nice day."

The fact of the matter is, we don't know what hit the Pentagon, so unless there is a photograph or a video that clearly shows a missile being shot into the Pentagon, it's best not to state as fact, that Flight 77 didn't hit the Pentagon. We just don't have access to all of the information. Just because we don't know, doesn't mean we're stupid. There are currently 84 videos in existence that are not being released to us. Why?

08-14-2007, 08:25 PM
Welocome man. I'll weigh in the same fashion. We don't know what hit. Lots of witnesses saying they saw a plane. But the forensics don't bear that out. Penetrating 2X 3' structural concrete isn't something an aluminum fuselage can do. But without visual evidence, we are debating in a vacuum. At this point, I don't think too much is going to come of pressing the issue. The trail is cold. They have had time to cover their tracks. Unless someone comes forward, I see little hope for the truth coming out. Frankly, I see little hope even if they did. The media certainly isn't on our side. It would take some pretty solid physical evidence to have any credibility at all.

08-14-2007, 10:25 PM
I agree. The Pentagon seems like a dead end. Jon's assessment is bang on, to which I would add the following: As soon as someone says Flight 77 didn't hit the Pentagon, the next question is usually, "Then where are the passengers?" End of conversation. Speculate until the cows come home.

Also, the fact that almost every msm take on 9/11 Truth begins with the "no plane at the Pentagon" material suggests that our opponents feel it is an argumentative slam dunk.

08-14-2007, 10:36 PM
I agree. The Pentagon seems like a dead end. Jon's assessment is bang on, to which I would add the following: As soon as someone says Flight 77 didn't hit the Pentagon, the next question is usually, "Then where are the passengers?" End of conversation. Speculate until the cows come home.

Also, the fact that almost every msm take on 9/11 Truth begins with the "no plane at the Pentagon" material suggests that our opponents feel it is an argumentative slam dunk.

Yet, in the "movement", you are chastised for having this point of view, and labeled a "gatekeeper" or "shill." John Judge, someone I think is an AMAZING researcher, was shunned for his beliefs regarding the Pentagon.

John once told me that "9/11 Truth Is An Inside Job." I'm sure to a certain extent, he's right.

08-15-2007, 12:18 AM
Yet, in the "movement", you are chastised for having this point of view, and labeled a "gatekeeper" or "shill." John Judge, someone I think is an AMAZING researcher, was shunned for his beliefs regarding the Pentagon.
