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07-21-2007, 08:21 AM
Stephen Colbert, Michael Moore unite against CNN 'web of lies'


David Edwards and Nick Juliano
Published: Friday July 20, 2007

In the spirit of "the enemy of my enemy is my friend," filmmaker Michael Moore joined forces with Stephen Colbert to take on CNN in a segment on The Colbert Report Thursday night.

"Loyal viewers of the Report know there's no love lost between me and CNN. They are worse than the New York Times because I cannot line my birdcage with tapes of the Situation Room. I've tried, it's not absorbent," Colbert said. "But I recently discovered in my disdain for CNN I have a strange bedfellow, Michael Moore, who for the past week has gone toe-to-toe with CNN over the facts of his new healthcare documentary, SiCKO."

Earlier this month, Moore was engaged in a public spat with CNN medical correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta over a report that claimed the film fudged facts with sloppy reporting. After the report aired, CNN did acknowledge it had made one mistake.

"Wooo! CNN admits it is a web of lies," Colbert said.

Colbert called Moore a "mendacious, muckraking, loudmouth bully," and accused him of being a sloppy dresser, before inviting the filmmaker to appear as a guest.

"It's no secret, I'm no fan (of you)," Colbert told Moore. "But the enemy of my enemy is my friend, and you really kicked CNN in the Blitzer on this one."

Moore accused CNN of being beholden to its advertisers in the pharmaceutical industry in attacking his film.

"What's wrong with that? Should pharmaceutical companies not advertise?" Colbert asked. "Do we not get to know what's going to cure our restless leg syndrome?"

Moore said his film is meant to show "the other side of the story you're not hearing on the nightly news."

The following video is from Comedy Central's Colbert Report, broadcast on July 19.

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