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04-30-2005, 09:40 AM
9/11 Truth's 10th OKC Bombing Anniversary Report-back

Two short informative reflections on the media-buried truth shoot-out at the OKC corral - and some gratifying collaborative possibilities. See especially the excellent media archives here. - Ed.

Oklahoma Trip Report
by Richard Asmus
April 28, 2005

Delegates from 911Truth attended the Oklahoma City Bombing Investigation Committee's (OKBIC) convention commemorating the 10th anniversary of the April 19, 1995 bombing. They found startling similarities between the tragedies of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building and the World Trade Center. Both attacks have many common signs of federal government involvement and cover-ups.

The most compelling problem at the Oklahoma City site was that first viewers on the scene, who were not associated with the federal government, found several un-detonated explosives. To their astonishment and grief, Federal agents halted rescue efforts to remove large volumes of evidence. Later, explosive experts discovered that it was impossible for the explosion of the rented van in the front of the building to have caused such severe damage. Further investigation conclusively revealed that explosive charges had been detonated inside the building.

Evidence in the form of structural steel and other materials were removed from both Oklahoma and World Trade Center sites and destroyed, before further investigations could be made. And in both cases, Congress shortly after passed previously written legislation that would not have gained public approval had the citizens of the United States not been given evidence of need, as caused by the attacks.

The OKBIC Convention, held at the Cox Center in Oklahoma City, featured several prominent figures in the bombing investigations. The event was hosted by Charles Key, a former Republican state representative for 12 years, who founded the OKBIC after receiving from constituents a plethora of information that was grossly contradictory to official government reports. His passion for truth drove him on.

Other speakers included Benton Partin, retired USAF Brigadier General and weapons expert, who reported about the nature of the explosions; Craig Roberts, retired Tulsa Oklahoma PD investigator who worked briefly with the FBI on the case; and several other witnesses and investigators who adamantly refute the government version of the story.

General Partin, an Air Force weapons expert, had presented to Congress "irrefutable evidence that at least four demolitions charges were set off at four critical columns of the reinforced concrete structure at the floor level of the third floor." He had unsuccessfully asked all members of Congress to postpone further destruction of the Murrah building (and all the evidence therein) until after a valid investigation had been made. General Partin also commented on his opinion of the true sources of the terrorist act.

Craig Roberts described in detail his experience working with the FBI, who worked feverishly to manipulate, falsify and destroy evidence. Roberts finally refused to work with the FBI claiming that he was a professional crime detector and would not use incorrect, manipulated or fabricated evidence under any circumstances.

Several other speakers uncovered evidence of government involvement and cover-ups. Further information can be found at the OKBIC's web site at http://www.okcbombing.org. The OKBIC's detailed 556-page report of their investigation can also be found at this site.

911Truth representatives Gabriel Day and Jan Hoyer presented information on the growing 911 Truth Movement and suggested that OKBIC and 911Truth join forces to raise public knowledge of the mountains of evidence that could uncover severe cases of U.S. Government sponsored domestic terrorism and cover-ups. Interested parties should visit both http://www.911truth.org and the OKBIC web sites frequently for news updates. A complete video archive of the conference and speakers is available at www.911Busters.com. Photos of the event are available at http://okc.digitalstyledesigns.com/SpeakersForum/


by Jan Hoyer and Richard Asmus

The Oklahoma City Bombing Investigation Committee (OKBIC), an independent truth seeking organization, hosted a Speaker's Forum at the Cox Convention Center in Oklahoma City on April 20, for the tenth anniversary of the highly controversial bombing.

Dressed in suits and ties, the majority of the OKBIC speakers, in their adamant defiance of the government investigation, reflected strong religious ties to God and anti-UN, anti-immigration and pro-military attitudes.

Also attending were the more casually clad 911Truth advocates, who generally focused on informing OKBIC of suspected government compliance and cover-ups of the World Trade Center attack. Although in disagreement on other issues, these speakers refrained from opening other debates out of respect for the primary subjects.

In a hallway interview, Former Oklahoma Representative Charles Key, said that in many ways, the OKC bombing and the 9/11 attack were joined together "like Siamese Twins." They appear to be separate but deliberate attempts to promote other political agendas. Key also stated that that it is outrageous for the government to investigate itself, and that the flawed investigations of both events have striking similarities.

As the meeting progressed, it became subtly apparent that both sides of the political spectrum were briefly united in a bond of truth, the enemy being the malicious and treasonous deceptions perpetrated by factions within the US government. Shouldn't all Americans unite across partisan boundaries, at least while seeking the truths behind these two horrendous tragedies?

contact jhoyer@digitalstyledesigns.com

04-30-2005, 06:59 PM
I'm really interested in the OKC Bombing. I've never really researched the "Who Benefits?" aspect of it... unless it was just a test for 9/11.

04-30-2005, 07:00 PM
If anyone has any good news links regarding this, feel free to post them.

01-11-2006, 09:37 PM