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View Full Version : Another Thumper Movie ...Video link

06-22-2007, 02:53 PM

I'm not sure the first "chapter" segues well into the rest of it but I was entertained. It does harden my belief that the Constitution of the United States has always been the single most dangerous document in modern times and the ruling elite have been systematically orchestrating it's demise via outright slavery, drugs, the media deprogramming of intellect, and fear. It's paralizing once you see the world in context with reality ....and futher staggering how strongly the thin vail of deception suffocates our freedom as people.

I used to think that maybe the world would wake up ... I thought that just maybe this nonsense would be seen for what it was ....absurdity. The more I read about our country ...and our former leaders ...some of which warning the people of this nation of the threat against it ...the more I hold dear a document that has become no more valuable then the patriotic postcards of it I can purchase here in my city ....the birthplace of this nation. It's taken almost a quarter millenia to destroy the constituition. That's an impressive run for a set of rules written by a bunch of left wingers.

06-22-2007, 05:58 PM
I have read many quotes as early as the 1800's of people warning the citizens of this country about the evil among us.