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06-13-2007, 07:27 PM
A New Campaign to "Press for Truth"

Dear fellow 911 Press For Truth Patrons,

Congressman Dennis Kucinich has just announced that he will begin holding new hearings into 9/11 beginning in September because "the Commission Final Report... never resolved certain conflicts." The acclaimed film 9/11 Press For Truth details those conflicts like no other movie has, featuring five members of the 9/11 Family Steering Committee (the small group of victim's relatives who forced the creation of the 9/11 Commission), who revealed for the first time in the movie that "70% of our questions" were not answered by the Final Report.

In response to Kucinich's announcement, the makers of 9/11 Press For Truth are launching of a new campaign to bring about real answers for the September 11th families -- and a brand new web site at 911PressForTruth.com.

From August 3rd - 12th, a coalition of organizations will join forces to host "Answers For 9/11 Families" week. Hundreds of Americans will come together at house parties across the country to screen 9/11 Press For Truth, telling the powerful story of the September 11th families' continuing fight for answers.

Now, Please join the effort to encourage Congress to support Kucinich's investigation until all remaining Family Steering Committee questions are answered. Send a "Press For Truth Pack" to your Congressman and sign up today to host or attend a 9/11 Press For Truth house party in your community.

(NOTE: Simple instructions on how to make your house party film screening a success will be emailed to everyone who signs up to host a party. Please order your DVD immediately after signing up in order to ensure it arrives in time for your house party.)

"We thought the country was at risk from terrorists and from incompetence," says Jersey widow Lorie Van Auken in the movie, "and maybe worse." Fellow 'Jersey Girl' Patty Casazza puts it more succinctly: "They lied. They all lied." With an election year looming, it is more important than ever that we demand Congressional hearings that will finally provide the answers these families have devoted over five years of their lives toward.

Help make it happen. Send a "Press For Truth Pack" to your Congressman today. http://action.downsizedc.org/wyc.php?cid=74

And we hope you'll join us in August. Open your house to family, friends and neighbors - or join them at a house party nearby http://pressfortruth.bravenewtheaters.com/ -- to watch this movie and support the Kucinich subcommittee investigation until all remaining Family Steering Committee questions are answered. Thank you so much for you support. Sincerely,

Ray Nowosielski, Director/Co-Writer/Co-Producer

06-13-2007, 08:06 PM
I will do this.