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View Full Version : U.S. Confirms It Is Arming Sunni Insurgents

06-10-2007, 07:58 PM
US confirms it is arming Sunni insurgents, paper to report


John Byrne
Published: Sunday June 10, 2007

A story slated for Monday's New York Times by veteran Iraq correspondent John Burns will reveal that the U.S. military has confirmed that it is arming Sunni insurgent factions to try to contain al-Qaida in Mesopotamia, RAW STORY has learned.

"With the four-month-old "surge" in American troops showing only modest success in curbing insurgent attacks, American commanders are turning to another strategy they acknowledge is fraught with risk: arming Sunni groups with insurgent links that have promised to fight al-Qaida."

06-10-2007, 08:00 PM
Sooo... we are arming our guys and their guys? What a "clever" idea.

06-10-2007, 08:06 PM
The good guys today. Tommorow, not so sure...

06-10-2007, 09:31 PM
Jesus! I wonder if our guys and gals in uniform in Iraq know this? We (The US gov) are arming the very people who are blowing them up with those IEDs. The parents of these soldiers ought to be storming the White House right now.

What a bunch of scumbag motherfuckers! This takes the cake.

You know, it's not Al Quaeda they're worried about, it's their Iranian backed shia, the ones that they put into power in the first place, that they're worried about.

06-10-2007, 09:32 PM
Jesus! I wonder if pur guys and gals in uniform in Iraq know this? We (The US gov) are arming the very people who are blowing them up with those IEDs. The parents of these soldiers ought to be storming the White House right now.

What a bunch of scumbag motherfuckers! This takes the cake.

You tell 'em.

06-10-2007, 09:40 PM
I am, this is typical US government bullshit!

We put these shias in power and now that they are aligning themselves with Iran, now all of a sudden we have to arm our enemies to try and balance the power in Iraq. The situation in Iraq is getting so bad, you would think I was running our foreign policy.

I'm sure their reason for doing something this fucked up has to do with Bush's Saudi masters displeasure with Iran's growing influence in Iraq. One big Shia state right next door.

06-10-2007, 09:42 PM
Is this really a surprise to people?


Is there anything this administration hasn't done?