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06-06-2007, 06:58 PM
This Is Not The Controlled Demolition Movement


Jon Gold

Yesterday, the Associated Press (http://www.yourbbsucks.com/forum/showthread.php?t=15639) reported on some questions that ex-CIA case officer Robert Baer has about 9/11. Putting aside his attempt at linking Iran to 9/11, the one thing that stood out to me in that article was how AP described the "conspiracy theorists" (the 9/11 Truth Movement) as a group of people that "think the U.S. government destroyed the World Trade Center." Is that what we're known for? Is that what we're all about?


However, with all of the attention Controlled Demolition gets within this movement, I can understand why someone might think that. Not the media. Lord knows they've helped to create that appearance with their hit pieces that focus solely on whether or not a missile hit the Pentagon, and whether or not the WTC was brought down by Controlled Demolition. It's easier for the media to deal with us if we're only about one or two issues.

There are OTHER aspects to 9/11 Truth that don't involve "science," and it's time they start getting AS MUCH attention, if not more.

Today, most of our signs say, "WTC7," "9/11 Was An Inside Job," "9/11 Was A Black Op," and "USA Did 9/11." Signs in the movement used to say, "Support The 9/11 Families," and "Call For A New Investigation." Those points are just as valid today, as they were 4-5 years ago.

When most people get on the television, the first thing they do is talk about Controlled Demolition. When most people are interviewed on the radio, the first thing they do is talk about Controlled Demolition.

We can not allow the media or anyone else for that matter help create the image that all we're about is how we "think the U.S. government destroyed the World Trade Center."

In the last year, we've seen family members (http://www.yourbbsucks.com/showthread.php/?t=11850) declare the 9/11 Commission "derelict in its' duties", and question the "entire veracity" of the 9/11 Report. We've seen family members (http://www.911blogger.com/node/2826) call for an entirely new investigation into the 9/11 attacks. We've seen a documentary released endorsed by the family members (http://www.911pressfortruth.com/) that calls into question the entire 9/11 Report. We've seen a petition released by the family members (http://www.petitiononline.com/july10/petition.html) calling for the declassification of pertinent 9/11 documentation. We've seen family members (http://www.redseamedia.net/matt/Conference%20Stuff/Saturday/Video/Saturday%20Morning.wmv) support the 9/11 Truth Movement by appearing at a recent conference in Arizona. Recently, family members (http://www.911blogger.com/node/7793) filed a petition with NIST, and we learned that new family members (http://www.911blogger.com/node/7769), John and Bev Titus, spoke out in support of the truth.

When Fahrenheit 9/11 was released, those of us in the movement would stand outside of movie theaters and chant, "There's More To The Story." Some of us even got angry with Michael Moore because his movie only told half-truths.

If this movement continues to make Controlled Demolition its' focal point, then we are no better than Michael Moore.

9/11 Truth is about absolute accountability, and absolute truth regarding the attacks of 9/11. Each question we have, each piece of evidence we find, are all a part of acheiving those goals.

09-11-2007, 01:02 PM

09-14-2007, 01:39 PM
Somebody remind Manuel Garcia:


09-14-2007, 01:40 PM
Oh wait, I already did:

" simuvac said on September 14th, 2007 at 6:18 am # (http://www.dissidentvoice.org/2007/09/forgetting-911/#comment-5839)

What a condescending piece of shit you are, Garcia. You treat 9/11 skepticism as if it all boils down to whether one believes WTC 1, 2, and 7 were demolished by explosives. I guess your hate mail focuses on these things because you have focused on them yourself; however, the 9/11 Truth Movement seeks answers to more than just the collapses.

I want to know why Bush and Cheney refused to testify under oath, or in separate rooms, or in the presence of recording equipment. I want to know why Bush lied about seeing the first tower get hit that morning, when the video footage wasn’t on TV until the next day. I want to know why people like you think it’s okay for the government to appointment White House insider Philip Zelikow to head the 9/11 Commission, after backing down from the supremely cynical gesture of appointing Henry Kissinger. I want to know why the House and Senate Intelligence Committee chairs, the same people who ran the intelligence review of 9/11, were meeting with the head of the Pakistani ISI on the morning of 9/11. I want to know why some of the hijackers were living with an FBI informant, why others were assisted by a Saudi spy with ties to Prince Bandar, and why others were living within blocks of Mossad agents. I want to know why the evidence from Able Danger was destroyed. I want to know why the 9/11 Commission Report lies about the movements of Dick Cheney on 9/11. I want to know why President Bush issued directive 199i, which told the FBI to back off members of the Bin Laden family prior to 9/11. I want to know why people pretend like 9/11 was unexpected, when in July 2001 the US government told its allies in the Middle East it was going to invade Afghanistan in October 2001; this was reported by the BBC, which I hope is not too much of a tinfoil hat network for your tastes. I have many more questions, but I won’t trouble a condescending ass like yourself with the details. You say you support another 9/11 investigation, but then you ridicule the people who are out there fighting to achieve that. If you know there are omissions and distortions in the current 9/11 story, why do you assume that they are insignificant and won’t change the tenor of the story if revealed or corrected? That’s illogical."

09-14-2007, 08:20 PM
Wow man. You are a ton smarter than me. I just learned a bunch of stuff. Nice to see you're not always so PC also. hehe

09-14-2007, 08:22 PM
Good job simuvac.

09-15-2007, 12:27 PM
Wow man. You are a ton smarter than me. I just learned a bunch of stuff. Nice to see you're not always so PC also. hehe

In retrospect, "condescending piece of shit" was probably not the best choice of words...

09-15-2007, 12:31 PM
In retrospect, "condescending piece of shit" was probably not the best choice of words...Pffff. Sure it was. You could have added a cocksucking, but meh.... no one's perfect.

09-16-2007, 05:34 PM
So many people focus on so much extraneous bullshit nothing can get resolved.

WTC1 & 2 were designed in the 1960's. Didn't they have to decide how much steel and concrete to put on every level, although 30 foot columns would span multiple floors?

So when a 200 ton object moving at 500 mph hits that vertical structure don't you need to know the distribution of mass to analyze the effects? The NIST report does not even specify the quantity of concrete in the buildings. But it does say the south tower oscillated for 4 minutes.

So why doesn't the truth movement demand to know the tons of steel and tons of concrete on every level of the towers and quit talking about the government and mini-nukes and globalhawks? The tons of steel would relate to the 56 minutes it took for the south tower to collapse after impact. If there were 900 tons of steel on the 79th, 80th and 81st floors how could it get hot enough in 56 minutes?


09-16-2007, 09:56 PM
Perhaps you didn't read the title of this thread, friend...