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View Full Version : I have 9/11 Questions

05-31-2007, 05:22 PM
I am an individual who lives in St.Tammany, Louisiana (30 miles north of New Orleans). I attempted to contact Marty Rowland (a "grassroots contact" listed on 911truth.org), but his phone has been disconnected and he won't respond to email. If anyone could answer these questions or refer me to someone who can I would greatly appreciate it.

1. Is there a 9/11 Truth Chapter in St.Tammany already?

2. If so, where might I find contact information?

3. If there is no group already in existance, how many people should I acquire before I register my own with 9/11 truth.

4. If our group wants to protest at a government building, do we need a permit?

5. What are good targets for protests?

Thank you for your time.

05-31-2007, 05:52 PM
Try meetup.com for your area and see if there are any groups formed.

Being close to new Orleans you may have a unique opportunity to confront some of the 9/11 accused and have them answer the tough questions.