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04-25-2007, 08:32 PM

British government secret memo summation on Bush: "He's a madman."

April 25, 2007 -- Senior British civil servant David Keogh. a former communications and cipher officer at Number 10 Downing Street, is on trial at London's Old Bailey, charged with violating the Official Secrets Act for leaking a classified report on an April 2004 meeting between George W. Bush and Tony Blair. The four page report referred to Bush as a "madman." Keough is accused of slipping the report to parliamentary assistant Leo O'Connor, who then allegedly made it available to anti-war MP Anthony Clarke. O'Connor is also on trial for violating the Official Secrets Act. The Blair government accuses Keough of leaking the document to influence the 2004 presidential elections, a clear indication that Blair was interested in seeing Bush defeat his Democratic challenger John Kerry. The trial is shrouded in secrecy, a move seen as an attempt not to embarrass an already-tainted Blair.


British government secret memo summation on Bush: "He's a madman."

Keough and O'Connor are just the latest victims of the global neo-cons and their Nazi system of purging their enemies. It is a tactic their Trotskyite, Jabotinskyite, and Straussian parents and grandparents learned from the coffee houses and cell meetings in Chicago, New York, Vienna, Berlin, London, Rome, Paris, and Haifa.

04-25-2007, 08:57 PM
Where's the memo?

04-25-2007, 09:15 PM
I don't know, I would have posted it if I had seen it. Hell, it may not even exist.

04-25-2007, 09:24 PM

Iraq memo leak at 'delicate' time

(Beltman713: This story says that Mr. O' Conner told police that Bush was a madman. So someone got the story wrong?)

The leak of a secret memo from a summit between George Bush and Tony Blair came at an "extremely delicate" period in Iraq's occupation, a court has heard.

Martin Howard, then deputy chief of intelligence, was giving evidence at the Old Bailey trial of two Northampton men accused of leaking the document.

Civil servant David Keogh, 50, and MP's researcher Leo O'Connor, 44, deny three charges under the Official Secrets Act.

Mr Keogh is said to have passed a record of the meeting to Mr O'Connor.

Fallujah operations

The contents of the memo, considered so secretive that much of the trial is being held behind closed doors, have not been directly referred to in court by counsel or witnesses.

The leak was made just when the coalition was about to hand over authority to the Iraqis, said Mr Howard, second in charge of the coalition's defence intelligence staff at the time.

He was cross-examined about the timings of announcements about plans to arrest the anti-coalition cleric Moqtada al-Sadr, and operations in Fallujah.

Mr Howard said there was "great concern" that the transfer of power might be delayed because of insurgency in Fallujah and Najaf, and problems could extend to the British-controlled part of the country.

On Monday a statement by Mr O'Connor to police was read out in court, in which he said that the memo was a powerful document.

Bush criticised

He said Mr Keogh wanted to get it into the public domain to influence elections about to take place in the United States.

Mr O'Connor told detectives Mr Keogh did not like President Bush.

The court heard that Mr O'Connor told police: "Something along the lines of 'The man's a madman' was said (by Mr Keogh).

"At the time it was the run-up to the American elections. I think his view was to get this document into this domain."

In another police interview read out in court on Tuesday, Mr O'Connor said he thought Mr Keogh wanted to use the document to embarrass the US rather than Britain.

"It was more of a Bush thing than a Blair thing. He talked about Washington and places like that.

"Bearing in mind the context, it wasn't just Iraq it was leading up to the presidential election."

The meeting in question took place at the Oval Office in April 2004.

The trial was adjourned until Wednesday.

04-25-2007, 09:31 PM
Fucking Madsen.

04-25-2007, 09:44 PM
It appears the memo has never made it to the public, so who knows what it actually says. I saw a site that offered to post it on their site if it were ever leaked to the internet. They also offered to share it with anyone else who wanted to post it so the British government wouldn't be able to get it taken down. So far, it hasn't been leaked out.

04-25-2007, 10:14 PM
Yes... I remember that offer... I'm just pissed that Madsen is acting like he has the damn thing, which if he did, he should post it. He's just not accurate. He's about 50/50.