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04-17-2007, 08:47 AM
Barrett Thanks Nass, Republicans for U.W. Rodriguez Event

Dear Steve Nass & followers,

I am writing to thank you, Rep. Nass—yes, you, the Constitution-burning bane of the U.W. system and the most hated man in Madison—for your tireless efforts to promote my “9/11 conspiracy theories.” By launching your unsuccessful crusade to get me fired due to political opinions I expressed on a radio show, you generated overwhelming sympathy for me and interest in 9/11 truth.

And you just can’t stop, can you? When your faithful minions brought 9/11 survivor Earl Johnson to campus last month, you ran a huge ad in the campus papers saying “9/11 an inside job? Tell that to a survivor.” By publishing ads in large screaming type highlighting the words “9/11 an inside job” you bought the 9/11 truth movement some very expensive publicity. Three cheers for the Republicans! As they say in Texas, “If you’re so rich, why aren’t you smart?”

The Earl Johnson event triggered wonderful media coverage for the 9/11 truth movement. The Daily Cardinal story began: “Sept. 11 survivor Earl Johnson addressed the College Republicans Tuesday night, drawing criticism from former lecturer Kevin Barrett and his supporters.” Both the Cardinal and the Badger Herald stories noted the heavy security presence at the event...as if the Republicans are afraid that they are becoming so hated people will storm their events and lynch them! Please note that I have spoken before many thousands of people in more than twenty lectures in thirteen states during the past half-year, with virtually no security whatsoever. The only visible security presence in any of my lectures was in Oshkosh, where the Nass brigade apparently phoned in some threats. The moral: Charge the Cheney mob with 9/11 high treason and mass murder, and audiences cheer. Bring a survivor who disses Barrett and plugs the Iraq war, and you’d better have a phalanx of armed guards!

Given the Scripps poll showing that over 100 million Americans think 9/11 was an inside job, while only 16% of us believe the official story, I can see why you’re running so scared.

The best thing about the Earl Johnson event wasn’t the great media coverage, wonderful as that was. It wasn’t the way Earl held my book up high in the air and waved it around while he insulted me, which probably meant he sold more of my books than his own! No, the most amazing outcome was that William Rodriguez, the biggest hero on 9/11, contacted me immediately and insisted on coming to Madison to set the record straight. Rodriguez, unlike Johnson, risked his own life to save the lives of countless others. The last man out of the North Tower, William Rodriguez was honored at the White House five times. Since 9/11 he has been working overtime with all the survivor, first responder and family member groups, and he, along with the Jersey Girls, was a key force in the movement to get a 9/11 investigation. William is a celebrity in England, Venezuela, and Malaysia, and in the Spanish-language media both in the US and around the world. He interrupted his tour of Europe, Asia and South America to come to Wisconsin to defend me, and to tell the truth about the bombs that he and many other people, including police and firefighters, witnessed destroying the World Trade Center.

When you brought Earl Johnson to town, you did it when I was away on a lecture tour. Unlike you sniveling cowards, who slink around throwing insults from a safe distance but refuse an honest face-to-face debate, I am giving you fair warning, up-front and in-your-face: William Rodriguez will be speaking at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, 3650 Humanities, from 7 to 9 p.m. on Saturday, April 21st, 2007. And guess what? The taxpayers’ money will pay for this event, which is sponsored by a coalition of student groups and taking place right in the heart of campus!! If you don’t like it, I dare you to show up and say so. Just be sure to bring along a whole platoon of rent-a-cops so they can mop up after you when you lose control of your bowels.

Do you have the courage to listen to the amazing, heart-wrenching story of our greatest 9/11 hero? Do you have the guts to face me when I introduce William? Do you have the cojones to hear what William has to say about the huge bomb that destroyed much of the sub-basements, parking garage, and lobby of the North Tower before the plane hit?

I didn’t think so.


Kevin Barrett
See also:
http://mujca.com (http://mujca.com/)
http://911keymaster.com (http://911keymaster.com/)