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View Full Version : Support Rosie's Return!!!

04-08-2007, 07:25 PM
Support Rosie's Return!!!


From what I understand, Rosie's vacation ends this upcoming Tuesday (4/10/2007). If you are in the New York area, and want to support Rosie against the malicious attacks from the mainstream media, and her right to ask a question, then please show up at ABC Studios with your 9/11 Truth signs/shirts Tuesday morning.

If you are from either of the following groups:


Please make this happen.

It is so vindicating knowing that their attacks are backfiring. Sorry Bill O'Reilly, Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, Joe Scarborough, Danny Bonaduci, Michelle Malkin, Rush Limbaugh & Friends... This is America, and in America, Americans support the right to question our Government. Americans support free speech. Americans support the truth. You can't win.


That poll is a little misleading at this point because it didn't include anything regarding 9/11, but we know what the people are voting for don't we...

10th Gen
04-08-2007, 11:01 PM
Hello, i saw John Golds post about the Rosie event at 911blogger.com and wanted to offer some clarification.

The event is scheduled for 9:30 am on Wednesday the 11th.
For a complete schedule of events for that day see the posting here:

Also worth noting is that these actions are supported by We Are Change and by New York 911 Truth.
(www.wearechange.org (http://www.wearechange.org) and www.newyorkny911truth.org (http://www.NewYorkNY911Truth.org))

These events are not sponsored by www.ny911truth.org (http://www.ny911truth.org).

If anyone could update the info on 911blogger.com it would be really appreciated. We will make this happen, thanks for the added publicity!

— Jonathon, aka 10th Gen