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View Full Version : Ukraine issues?

04-05-2007, 08:32 AM
Anyone notice how the Ukrainian resistance to it's parliment is being labeled lately? Michael Parenti states anytime the word "hardliner" is used in association with a government official it is because he/she/it directly opposes "global policy" and seeks national sovereignty. Apparently Pro-Western President Viktor Yushchenko is urging to dissolve the current parliment and hold elections to remove appointed influences that oppose the former" Orange Revolution" administation that seems to have all but abandoned it's promises to the people. In reality this 'hardliner' is just attempting to userp the "global element's" control over the formerly well suported peoples Orange Party.This is the administation NATO backed...and apparently in return have become puppets to Western Global Policy.

I like to thank Parenti for helpng me understand the news better. His "theory" about the term Hardliners rings so true. Milosevic...Chavez...Hussain...Mosedeque...the Taliban...all staunch supporters of national sovereignty...all made out to be monsters to the world eyes....subversively vilified for wanting their nation to be truely independent.
The CFR continues to destroy nations at will in order to control it's people and facilitate the rape of it's lands resources...at a profit.