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View Full Version : How Would You Make Free fall?

04-04-2007, 04:40 AM
You say earlier, that yours is the "only feasible, realistic explanation in existence".

It took a while to realize that was the case. Now that I've said so, it is curious to see how little opposition there is. Folks often have no alternative, they just don't like the one I present because they have to consider just how deeply they've been decieved for how long, why.

There were banks of lifts and neither building was fully let.
What's wrong with shutting down three or four lift shafts (one whole bank)and planting the explosives in them?
A bit of scaffolding, take the sides out of a couple of lifts and use one lift to plant the stuff, while the other lift ferried stuff up to it.

Plant the stuff?
You make it sound like you are planting corn. This is 2 feet of concrete at the top and 12 feet at the bottom.


Imagine one of these.


Hooked up to about 200 CFM at 120 PSI from a four cylynder diesel compressor less than 400 feet away (line loss). Two men take turns of about 10 minutes running it because it's so high energy it beats the cr*p out of you.
To get enough holes dirlled and "planted" in 1/2 of the foot print vertically for 300 foot of the WTC core off of scaffold in an unused area you need c to c's of holes from 2 fet to 4 feet approximately. (just because there are vacancies it doesn't mean any of your vertical transportation needs can be reduced)

The noise it makes leaves you feeling that a jackhammer is rather pleasant.

It is called a sinker drill and it the only way to efficiently drill horizontally in concrete in the sizes needed. About 1 inch in DIA and up to 6 feet deep. (watch out for the high temper steel rebar it will imediately flatten your carbide insert drill bits). It would take 20 drills a month minimum to drill that many holes at the mid level where the average is 5 feet deep.

This is primarily an explosion of concrete by high explosives, not steel. (Those light colored metal members flying out in front of the blast wave is aluminum facade). The basic concrete expansion shows VERY well placed explosives with the lack of spikes of "rifleshot" breakage and instead being very round blast wave with uniform sized pieces. Only uniform distribution and perfect placement can bring this about. It is an expanding sphere of delayed explosions of concrete, descending. Actually a serious phenomena of controlled demolition as it is, the entire tower IS a precision "engneered" explosive device.


Please detail how 47 steel core columns are cut with high explosives without changing that image to something else, something it wasn't.

Maybe show some steel columns that were cut by the kind of "charges you can plant" like corn. mo thinks one can get an even 90 degree cut with square edges by planting charges in satchels on one side of a tube column. Maybe you and he should work together figuring out the "planting" scheme.

You could do the scaffolding months before, what's more innocent than scaffolding? Not that anybody would see it. You could plant the explosives in seven days of 12 hr nights.
What's wrong with that?

Not me, maybe you could though.

04-04-2007, 10:34 AM
Steve Forbes (the english banker) goes into detail about strange construction projects in the weeks leading up to the attack....including the weekend "power down" that forced him to shut down his main bank servers on 9/8....the strange dust and construction noises. I can't remember what video it's from. It's so easy to see how a systematic installation of wiring and needed demolition materials could have been in place.

04-04-2007, 11:04 AM
Chris, Did you get my email?

04-05-2007, 09:41 PM
There was also reports of dust accumulating all over ledges and windows, etc in the buildings in the weeks leading up to the attacks. They were working many late nights I'm sure...

04-06-2007, 02:40 PM
Steve Forbes (the english banker) goes into detail about strange construction projects in the weeks leading up to the attack....including the weekend "power down" that forced him to shut down his main bank servers on 9/8....the strange dust and construction noises. I can't remember what video it's from. It's so easy to see how a systematic installation of wiring and needed demolition materials could have been in place.

There is no doubt about detonators. The wires were already in place, that is what Marvin was put in position for, to get the security phone circuit schematics. Opening acces plates and stripping wires to attach detonator leads is about the kind of time frame Forbes tells us about.


One signal from a timer on that circuit gets all the digital counters counting down to the respective point in time for initiation. Seventy five milliseconds for floors (c4 layered onto floors at construction under concrete) and 300 milliseconds for the steel reinforced concrete core in 40 foot sections (c4 coated rebar inside the core walls).

Explosives planted inthe towers, perhaps a small amount but I doubt it. It is more likely that the molten metal was facilitated by the application of thermite out by the corners of the perimeter columns of WTC 2. Such a thing will seriously confuse the amatuer invetigators of the public effort for truth, and, ....... WTC 2 did fold in a strange way out at the perimeter.

However, the quantity, placement and distribution of explosive required to get this effect,


are absolutely impossible with a clandestine installation of charges. In fact, this well informed amatuer believes that it would take over a year to install, properly, the explosives needed to get the visual effect we see above with 12 hour a day access by work crews. Drilling concrete is a b*tch. Even then, I don't feel the "breakage" of the concrete would create the Sand and gravel (http://www.w3.org/People/Jacobs/2001/10/wtc/pdrm1943.jpg) we have at GZ. Drill holes with automous charges would leave many chunks unless the holes were impossibly close together.

Oh, in 4 years not one image of the supposed steel core columns, in the core are at some elevation above ground has been produced by anyone. But many images of the concrete core are available. Also, not one feasible, realistic, comprehensive explanation for free fall has been produced anywhere in that time. There has not even been a good theory for how these columns were cut (http://www.parrhesia.com/wtc/wtc066.jpg).

Let alone a theory of how the supposed 47 steel columns were reduced to pieces so small they are unseen in all photos. Not one image of a steel columns cut with a stachel type chage or simple tamped charge has been produce either.

That 1990 documentary that the infiltrating perps of our government removed after penetrating PBS