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View Full Version : Still proud to be an American under occupant Bush?! Eye-opening human realities

04-24-2005, 11:23 PM
Personally for me, PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN means something entirely different than what Bush and his cabal, and our 'sold out' Congress (NAFTA, GATT, FTA, WTO) have forced down our throats -- an America we no longer recognize from our youth.

Still proud to be an American under occupant Bush?! Eye-opening human realities not shown in the mainstream media!

Bush and Rummy bring OUR dead beloved men and women in the military home in caskets in secret, from out of view of We, The People.

Bush and Rummy bring OUR beloved maimed men and women in the military home in secret, in the dead of night without arms, legs, hands, feet - out of view of We, The People.

Where are all the bands and flag wavers each and every time OUR dead and maimed return home?!

Human Realities of occupant Bush

Effects of Depleted Uranium - photos

Pravda November 8, 2004 By David R. Hoffman, Legal Editor PRAVDA.RU

Born July 4, 1776 — Died November 2, 2004

To those in other nations who read this eulogy, who are still mystified by how swiftly a once great nation was transformed into a neo-fascist nightmare, and how easily a man as hateful, hypocritical, venal, bloodthirsty, warmongering, sadistic and deceitful as George W. Bush was converted into a paradigm for "moral values," all I can say is that millions in the late United States are pondering these same questions.

Perhaps the answer resides in three disturbing, yet immutable, laws of human nature.

The first law is that human beings are obsessed with bringing about their own destruction.

Ever since the first caveman picked up the first stone and bashed in the skull of his first enemy, humankind has been devising more sophisticated ways to kill.

Even though the atavistic instincts of the cave dwellers are currently masked by the veneer of neon lights and skyscrapers, the grim reality is that human knowledge has always outpaced human wisdom, and it is rare indeed when new technological advancements or discoveries are not explored for their potential use as weapons.

As long as this obsession continues, it is inevitable that warmongers will always prevail over peacemakers in the realm of political power.

The second law is that evil is the primary motivating force in human affairs.

Although George W. Bush and his minions personify all that is loathsome about human nature, they are merely the reflections of a self-loathing people repulsed by the responsibilities of living in a free country.

Edmund Burke once said, "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good people do nothing."

But the madness that murdered America on November 2, 2004 proves that evil will always triumph, regardless of what good people do.
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Pravda November 8, 2004

Bellaciao collective — Bella Ciao October 12, 2004

Born July 4, 1776 — Died November 2, 2004

In those few perceptive words King encapsulated how the rich, white establishment had manipulated poorer whites into accepting the concept of "white supremacy," when in reality they were being just as exploited as their African-American counterparts.
[Photo: Namir Noor-Eldeen/Reuters, 11/6/04]

An Iraqi Kurd covers the body of a Turkish truck driver.

This following a roadside bomb attack on a highway near the northern Iraqi city of Mosul, November 6, 2004.

The roadside bomb blast killed a Turkish driver and destroyed two Turkish fuel trucks in an attack on an occupying army escorted convoy.

The convoy was near the northern Iraqi city of Mosul on Saturday.

Modern-day Nero who fiddles while America burns

This practice continues today under George W. Bush, the modern-day Nero who fiddled while America burned, and who now enriches his cronies with tax cuts, oil profits and lucrative "rebuilding" contracts, while deceiving his supporters in the poor and middle classes into believing their friends and relatives are dying in Iraq for "freedom and democracy."

It would be easy for those of us who loved America to be apathetic in the wake of its death.

Why should we care how many have died and will die in Iraq when a majority of people are so willing to sacrifice their loved ones?

Why should we clamor for truth, when this majority is satisfied with illusion?

Why should we be disturbed about Halliburton profits, when this majority is gullible enough to believe Bush's lies about the war?

Why should we protest the bloodlust, butchery and bellicose braggadocio of a cabal of bullying cowards when such behaviors do not offend the "new morality?"

Why speak out at all when history has proven that activism and compassion usually destine one for scorn, blacklisting, false imprisonment, suicide or assassination?



04-24-2005, 11:27 PM
Everyone... those links have some pics of injured kids... fyi...