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View Full Version : Looking for Sibel Edmond's quote and

03-26-2007, 06:03 AM
Sup yall, I'm looking for a quote and it's corresponding article where Sibel made a statement among the lines of "if the truth got out, you would see high level officials tried and convicted."

03-26-2007, 06:14 AM
"Once this issue gets to be [..] investigated, you will be seeing certain [American] people that we know from this country standing trial; and they will be prosecuted criminally."

03-26-2007, 06:50 AM
Ah yes, can I have a source?

One more question, If my memory severs me right, there was an article somewhat stating that some hijackers (atta I believe) were allowed to enter the us after being vouched for by an intelligence agency.


03-26-2007, 06:54 AM
There is a source (http://www.tomflocco.com/fs/FBILinguist.htm), but it links to a site that isn't "trustworthy". However, I have verified the quote with Mrs. Edmonds herself. As far as your other question, never heard of it. If you're referring to the CIA Consulate in Jeddah that issued visas for 15 of the 19 hijackers, that I might be able to help you with.

Dear Mr. Gold:

Thank you for your support; kind words.

I usually don't respond to inquiries via e-mail; I don't grant interviews in writing either.


Quote #1- Accurate: "once this issue gets to be...investigated, you will be seeing certain [American] people that we know from this country standing trial; and they will be prosecuted criminally"

Quote#2- Accurate: "There is direct evidence involving no more than ten American names that I recognized"

Have a nice holiday.


Keep in mind, Sibel doesn't have a "smoking gun" that proves 9/11 was an "inside job." The information she has is more about the system within our Government that made 9/11 happen.

03-26-2007, 07:16 PM
Thanks Gold.

03-26-2007, 09:31 PM
Cool. She took time out to holla back at you.

03-26-2007, 09:42 PM
Not just that, but she verified two of the most damaging quotes in history.