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03-06-2007, 07:45 PM
A Message From John Feal

Home: 631 724 3320
Cell: 516 901 7427
Email: Feal13@aol.com
Website: Fealgoodfoundation.com
Fed tax ID#20-5187809
Founder John Feal
9/11 Responder

To everyone in the 9/11 truth movement, by now most of you know I have formed a relationship with many of you and support your cause. This is due to Jon Gold, and his tremendous passion for the truth. While I cannot sit here typing and say what happened on 9/11/01 to those buildings is truth, fact, or fiction, I can say I stand behind you 100%, because anyone or any group that has the passion and tenacity to fight for what they believe in, well then I am proud to say I support your cause. If all 9/11 organizations, could only join together and support each other, maybe, just maybe real success would follow. My only goal is the same as yours, we seek the truth. Whether that day, those leading up to it, or why great Americans are sick and dying now because of it.

July 21st, the FealGood foundation, Artist4Hope, and the GearUp foundation will be holding a benefit concert for the sick and injured responders of 9/11. While this may not be your forum to express your thoughts and beliefs, it is a chance to show unity to the politicians and the mainstream media that we are united. Let it be contagious, and let the good in all of us branch out to those who are ignorant to your cause and ours. I truly hope this is the right step and direction in bringing great Americans together, so in the future we can all achieve our goals, which is “TRUTH, JUSTICE, and ACCOUNTABILITY”. If you live in New York, I hope to see you all, if not, then please show your support by spreading the word or donations.

Thank you and God bless.
__________________________________________________ _____________________

Sincerely, John E. Feal

Apparently, John was getting emailed some questions. He hopes that by posting this, he will help people to understand where he is on the issues.