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View Full Version : I Just Watched Loose Change...

04-21-2005, 08:45 PM
... It's pretty good, but nothing really new. I was hoping for some more compelling stuff, however it does show a lot more of the news reports mentioning bombs from that day that have since disappeared from the media. There was also some videos that I hadn't seen before.

They do a really good analysis of the collapses, showing the explosions going off.

You can get a copy here:


Also, if you haven't seen the Directors Cut of In Plane Site, it shows a lot of the news reports as well. You can download it at the above link too.

Also, I have them and I can FTP them to you if you'd like, would be a little quicker.

04-21-2005, 08:48 PM
You're taking money out of the pockets of Phil!!!

04-21-2005, 08:48 PM

04-21-2005, 08:48 PM
I kill me.

04-21-2005, 08:48 PM
You're taking money out of the pockets of Phil!!!
I wouldn't steel from your good buddy!!! It is freely distributable.

04-21-2005, 08:50 PM
Hey SBG, I learned something new today...

I learned that the FBI took the video tapes from the gas station across the street from the Pentagon FIVE minutes after the "plane" hit.

You would think they would have more important matters on their mind at that time.

04-21-2005, 08:53 PM
Hey SBG, I learned something new today...

I learned that the FBI took the video tapes from the gas station across the street from the Pentagon FIVE minutes after the "plane" hit.

You would think they would have more important matters on their mind at that time.
I know, they were there within minutes to grab the footage. I read something along the lines that they were watching the video and "Were Shocked" and then the gov't showed up and confiscated it.

04-21-2005, 08:58 PM
Silly FBI

04-21-2005, 10:34 PM
I know, they were there within minutes to grab the footage. I read something along the lines that they were watching the video and "Were Shocked" and then the gov't showed up and confiscated it.
what were they shocked about?

04-21-2005, 10:39 PM
what were they shocked about?
Dunno, that's all the article I read said. They were watching the video and were shocked at what they were seeing until the gov't came and took the camera. It could be video of flight 77 hitting the Pentagon that they found so shocking, but I doubt it.

04-22-2005, 02:17 AM
this is just 1 of the thousands of points that need to be made.. im surprised gold hadnt heard this before though :) the pentagon is under some serious surveilance.. there are 5 cameras on the corner here, you know the pentagon had 20+ that should have footage..

the fact that the meridian hotel and the on-site gas station had their video surveilance confiscated and never released, despite massive questioning and evidence, prooves that evidence exists, and that it is being hidden from the public.

a plane hit the pentagon, its proven with landing gear, tires, and some sort of small engine.. if that small engine doesnt match anything on flight 77 (not the APU either) then that just adds to the reasonable questions..

i think questioning the pentagon attack isnt outragious, and unless someone can refute karl schwarz's annalysis of the small engine found then i think its only reasonable to assume there is some sort of government coverup, or unwillingness to show the truth of what happened.

04-22-2005, 08:12 AM
I agree, I for one would love to see 100 tons of metal vaporize. Seems to me 100 tons of airplane should leave 100 tons of molten metal.

04-22-2005, 04:04 PM
I forgot to tell you guys, the Loose Change video features a fair bit of sound bits of a Hunter S. Thomson interview. I think its the same interview I posted here a while back.

04-22-2005, 04:09 PM
this is just 1 of the thousands of points that need to be made.. im surprised gold hadnt heard this before though :) the pentagon is under some serious surveilance.. there are 5 cameras on the corner here, you know the pentagon had 20+ that should have footage..

the fact that the meridian hotel and the on-site gas station had their video surveilance confiscated and never released, despite massive questioning and evidence, prooves that evidence exists, and that it is being hidden from the public.

a plane hit the pentagon, its proven with landing gear, tires, and some sort of small engine.. if that small engine doesnt match anything on flight 77 (not the APU either) then that just adds to the reasonable questions..

i think questioning the pentagon attack isnt outragious, and unless someone can refute karl schwarz's annalysis of the small engine found then i think its only reasonable to assume there is some sort of government coverup, or unwillingness to show the truth of what happened.

Gold focuses on drugs, oil, gold, facts, facts, and facts...

04-22-2005, 04:24 PM
this is just 1 of the thousands of points that need to be made.. im surprised gold hadnt heard this before though :) the pentagon is under some serious surveilance.. there are 5 cameras on the corner here, you know the pentagon had 20+ that should have footage..

the fact that the meridian hotel and the on-site gas station had their video surveilance confiscated and never released, despite massive questioning and evidence, prooves that evidence exists, and that it is being hidden from the public.

a plane hit the pentagon, its proven with landing gear, tires, and some sort of small engine.. if that small engine doesnt match anything on flight 77 (not the APU either) then that just adds to the reasonable questions..

i think questioning the pentagon attack isnt outragious, and unless someone can refute karl schwarz's annalysis of the small engine found then i think its only reasonable to assume there is some sort of government coverup, or unwillingness to show the truth of what happened.
Small engine means small plane. Case closed.

911=inside job
04-22-2005, 10:17 PM
Gold focuses on drugs, oil, gold, facts, facts, and facts...
^^^ HHAHHAHAHAHA!!!! fucking gold, you focuse on the shit no one gives a shit about.. lol

retards of today need pics and videos!!!! sad but true...

04-22-2005, 11:04 PM
^^^ HHAHHAHAHAHA!!!! fucking gold, you focuse on the shit no one gives a shit about.. lol

retards of today need pics and videos!!!! sad but true...

I could obliterate you with links to videos I've posted here... but I won't bother. ;)