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View Full Version : Should We Unify To Demand A Record Of Verified Disinformation?

01-27-2007, 03:09 PM
This thread progressively consolidates perspectives developed on the thread, "Should We Ignore or Discredit “Disinformation” in the 9/11 Movement?".


By the polling there it is clear people believe that disinformation should be discredited. This thread is an attempt to bring further, more meaningful agreement on this vital issue.

I pretty much agree with you, cotton. But how, once you have discredited someone, do you distance yourself from them? You can be a self claimed truther. If one of them gets onto major media, there is no way to distance them. People see them holding forth on their beliefs, and they are automatically lumped in with us. Thats why these people are in such a pole position to hurt the movement. I see no winning answer to this. However, being a self-claimed dumbass, I just know someone will have a good answer. I'm still waiting to hear from a few of our regulars on this.

Excellent point. In fact the purpose of this poll and thread is to show that the point IS understood as well as vital if indeed the truth movement is ever going to get past the current status.

You (we, us) distance ourselves AS FAR AWAY as we all can from people like this! What I really would like is the "media" (the few we have) that covers this lies of 9/11 to come out strongly against the opinions of these viruses to the movement. Guys like Michael Wolsey, Dan Abrhamson, and Alex Jones. I know in my heart we are going to see the "space beam people" on FOX at sometime, and then what? If we don't come out and call a spade a spade WE will be grouped with these people among the mainstream, like it or not. I don't like it so I want to expose them, call them on their lies or total nonsense science and distance myself as far away as I can from people like that. On record. That way when they do try to sell BS "theories" to the mainstream I am on record calling them frauds just like the average joe who will do the same.

I agree. But how do "we" become a "we"? Where do "we" consolidate our knowledge?

I think there should be a set of ideas agreed upon among the majority of the truth movement. Anything outside those parameters should be discussed as theory only.

This movement needs to become more cohesive IMO.

Yes, and this thread is an attempt to show how it might coalesce into greater unity.

How about, discredit, denounce, and move on?

As a personal action, I totally agree. However, where does the record of the discrediting get displayed? Who keeps track of it and how do they do it? Who and how is it verified?

It seems the different non profit 9-11 truth orgs should agree or designate upon a place/time/method to, log and consolidate the verified and rational discreditings of bogus conjecture/theory/information, then share a link on their website, near the top, to the accumulated debunkings where newbies can find out what is bunk so they don't go out and inadvertantly support it, or fail to "move on".

This is a vital aspect of the movement and one that leadership should be dealing with and it is not. WHY? This is fairly obvious strategy and obvious to any who are serious. Do these orgazations communicate with one another? Share information?

If they don't, I consider it incompetent and if indeed we believe in "discredit, denounce, and move on" as a priority when it comes to forms of disinfo, we should first get active on gaining rational, competent performance from the various non profits that enjoy a tax exemption for the purposes of pursuing a functional movement.

Accordingly, the poll question is;

"Should the 9-11 truth movement, the American citizens concerned with the erosion or subversion of their Constitution in the post 9-11 environment of non accountability, organize to demand that 9-11 non profits reasonably unify to create and keep current a record of competently "debunked", "discredited" and absurd theories or information, misinformation and disinformation?

01-28-2007, 01:25 PM
Of course....when you go to almost ANY truth site they have links to these morons giving them credibility. Sadly the absorbers of this crap will not be easy to re-focus on just asking questions. They have been given "answers"....proved or not.

01-28-2007, 02:19 PM
Of course....when you go to almost ANY truth site they have links to these morons giving them credibility.

What you describe is fraud, neglect or incompetence. Shall they be made accountable by us in our passion for truth?

Sadly the absorbers of this crap will not be easy to re-focus on just asking questions. They have been given "answers"....proved or not.

Yes, their point is that unanswered questions do not necessarily make a motive for unity. In the first 3 months after 9-11, questions were appropriate. When gov didn't lawfully provide them, some kind of answer is needed. Their shortcomings are that they have not provided a effective method for the public to critique, refine, digest, reject or approve the answers which are publicized and disseminated.

Since the authorities of technology are owned by academia and corporations, too afraid to come forward, it is up to the public to critiques and refine the answers. That fact is fairly obvious. The executives of non profits organizations should operate under that logic and provide methods for the public to utilize the knowledge it does have to refine the information the web site spreads.

In 2002 I concieved of a bulletin board software called "Poll to Post". It gives a real advantage to any who can use logic to support their opinion/evaluation of a given comment on a bulletin board.

If anyone with about $5k extra feels the NEED for a refined perspective on the truth, here is the description of the "Poll to Post" BB software. I've spoken with some software developers and they feel it can be created for that amount.


php won't do it alone. CGI needs to be merged with it to get the job done. The people become their own moderators with their opinion and the thread cue on the board is controlled by logic not frequency of posts. Only a totally corrupt board ownership could defeat the function.