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12-06-2006, 11:01 PM
Actor James Brolin Latest Celebrity To Publicly Doubt 9/11
Follows in footsteps of David Lynch (http://www.infowars.net/articles/december2006/061206Lynch.htm) on same day



(Gold9472: I wonder how Barbara (http://www.yourbbsucks.com/forum/memories.mp3) feels about it.)

Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet
Wednesday, December 6, 2006

Actor James Brolin, the husband of Barbara Streisand, has today become the latest celebrity figure to publicly question the official story behind 9/11, after he encouraged viewers of a top rated ABC talk show to check out a 9/11 truth website.

Brolin appeared as a guest on The View Wednesday morning and according to e mails we have been receiving in numbers, towards the end of the show the actor questioned 9/11 and urged the audience to check out the website 911weknow.com, which is a website that purports to expose how the twin towers and Building 7, which wasn't hit by a plane, were brought down via controlled demolition.

We have received multiple reports that The View, which airs live from the West Coast in Pacific and Mountain time zones, was pre-empted by breaking news of the study group on Iraq in Eastern and Central time zones.

Brolin's lengthy cinema and TV history includes major roles in The West Wing with Martin Sheen, The Amytiville Horror, Capricorn One, and the upcoming Rambo movie.

He today joins film director and cult icon David Lynch in going public with his doubts about the official story behind 9/11. Lynch told Dutch television he thought WTC Building 7 was brought down via controlled demolition and that the Pentagon and Pennsylvania crash sites were suspicious due to the absence of evidence that a plane crashed at either location.

Lynch and Brolin follow in the footsteps of other notable cultural figures who have spoken out on 9/11, such as Richard Linklater, Jesse Ventura, Matthew Bellemy, Ed Asner and Charlie Sheen.

Sheen was the first high profile celebrity to put his reputation on the line in the name of 9/11 truth and his courage should be saluted in opening the door for present and future individuals to follow his example.

Click here (http://prisonplanet.tv/audio/061206alex.mp3) to listen to Alex Jones' commentary on today's exciting developments.

12-07-2006, 01:42 AM
You know Striesand is has got to be one of the big names who believe 9/11 was an inside job along with Martin Sheen and Tim Robbins, Penn, ect... as Jones talked about.

(guess' of course)

12-10-2006, 03:45 PM
Streisand’s Husband Is a 9/11 Conspiracy Kook!


December 8, 2006


RUSH: I told you about James Brolin. He was on The View Wednesday. This is the Rosie O'Donnell show with three other women taking up space on the couch. The question from Rosie O'Donnell: "You've been playing politician lately in your career."

BROLIN: My grandmother and my grandfather and my mother and father were Republicans, and I started thinking for myself. We all used to get along. We were Americans. Now we're split and arguing it. And so whose fault is that and what's going wrong and think about the issues.

BEHAR: We know whose fault it is! Lets not pretend. (ranting cross talk)

BROLIN: And by the way, for starters, can I tell you to have a look at www.911weknow.com and wait till I see you next time.

RUSH: (Laughing.) What a bunch of hysterical raving. By the way, I would much rather feed, caress, pet and spend time with my cat to learn about women than to learn about women by watching The View. Anyway, the website that he mentions here is www.911weknow.com. We went there to find out what they know at www.911weknow.com. Let me just read it to you. "You may or may not have swallowed the 'official story.' Some of us were alert enough to shake our heads and say, 'Those buildings came down much too fast.' Others blocked the disaster from their minds, living life as they thought they had known it. But the scenery had changed. The buzzwords were born. 'Nine Eleven! September Eleven! September Eleventh!' Everywhere you went, they were jabbered. But what if it wasn't an accident? What if it wasn't beyond our control? What if it was all planned? Our consciousness has been altered."

So here's Streisand's husband on The View telling everybody to go to this place and then to wait for him the next time he comes on the show. It sounded serious to me. Mr. Streisand sounded very very serious. You talk about the Drive-By Media not getting it, taking it out of context. You don't start going down this road as a joke, especially with what he'd said before. Of course I take him seriously. He's a nut. They're all nuts. They have screws loose everywhere! That's what I mean. They ought to be happy. These people, they won the election. They got Hillary or Obama to choose from. By the way, Hillary creamed Obama in a poll out there. Who did that poll? Thirty-three to 12 percent. I've got it here. Don't even bother looking it up. Everybody is citing the poll. But Hillary just creamed Barack Obama.


12-10-2006, 08:11 PM
Wow... this (http://www.yourbbsucks.com/forum/iamawomaninlove.mp3) takes me back.

12-11-2006, 01:38 AM
Thanks Rush!