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12-06-2006, 01:35 PM
Jersey Girls look for 9/11 truth


By Mikelle Sasakamoose
Staff reporter
Dec 06 2006

Terrorism is being marketed as the No. 1 threat to Western civilization by mainstream media and government — but what’s even more terrifying is incompetence.

The political gets personal in the new documentary 9/11: Press for Truth, directed by 20-something filmmakers Ray Nowosielski and John Duffy.

Not your average “conspiracy” film, Press for Truth stars four women affectionately referred to as the Jersey Girls, each of whom lost a loved one in the terrorist attacks on the United States in 2001.

Bereaved and frustrated, these women want answers — answers nobody seems willing to give.

Not willing to tow the party line and blindly “hunt em’ down and kill em’,” the Jersey Girls peacefully, but determinedly, pursue the truth.

“These women are not interested in attacking anyone,” said Val Scott. “They are interested in the truth and the deeper they go in, the more questions they have.”

Scott will be moderating a showing of the film at Thompson Rivers University tomorrow. He is also a member of Scholars for 9/11 Truth, an organization made up of people who are deeply concerned about what took place on Sept. 11, 2001 and want an open inquiry.

“What’s interesting about these women is that they were all very ordinary women,” he said.

“They were all inclined to [vote] Republican, their husbands worked at the Trade Center so they were quite conservative and they’re not political at all.”

They had thousands of questions between them and found a camaraderie in their sorrow.

What happened? Why did it happen? Who was involved? How was it not prevented? What is going to be done about it — and why won’t anybody talk about it?

After finding little consolation in what the media was doing and reporting, the Jersey Girls went straight to the source and started lobbying the Bush Administration for an open investigation into the events leading to, during, and in the aftermath of the Sept. 11 attacks.

In conducting their own research, the Jersey Girls came across a website made by American scholar Paul Thompson.

The Complete 9/11 Timeline consists of information from more than 7,000 mainstream news stories on the assumptions about and events of Sept. 11, 2001, from as far back as 1995, some of which indicates the American government had considerable warning from credible sources of what was to come.

An eye-opening account of what is ‘not’ true, this film allows for necessary questions about an event that has affected the entire world and continues to plague the daily life of millions.

“This whole thing impacts on the world,” said Scott.

“There’s lots of unanswered questions and the media has been following a particular line that just doesn’t add up. . .

“This film connects the dots at least to the point that we owe it to ourselves to take another look, a close look - and hopefully we do it without fear,” he added.

9/11: Press for Truth will be shown in the TRU Clocktower auditorium at 7 p.m. followed by a “lively, informed discussion.”

Admission is free. For more information, visit www.911PressForTruth.com (http://www.911PressForTruth.com).