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View Full Version : Whats up over at ST911.org?

11-21-2006, 01:43 AM
So Im pretty sure everyone is aware of the infighting going on between Steven Jones and Jim Fetzer(co-chairs of Scholars for 9/11 Truth)?

I was mostly just curious if anyone had some further insight other then what is posted on the site.

Personally I see the tell tale signs of the globalists bread and butter plan of "divide and conquer". Anyone think I am wrong is assuming this?

For the record, Judy Wood and Morgan Reynolds appear to be completely nuts.

Cloak & Swagger
11-21-2006, 02:19 AM
What this feud reminds us to do is to stay focused on what we know makes 9/11 an inside job.
Remain focused on the insider trading and other related activities within this government and other entities (foreign and domestic) leading up to 9/11, the cover up investigation, etc.

This infighting is complex.
And I can assure you it’s by design.
I'll let them reach an end to that within their group.
They aren’t dragging me along for that ride. No way.

If the Scholars need some time to work things out, fine, let them be.
But don't let it be a distraction from what's already apparent.

Cloak & Swagger
11-21-2006, 02:40 AM
In fact, I'm now considering renaming them on my link roster to "Scholars for 9/11 Polarity".
Wutcha think?

11-21-2006, 10:09 AM
I was completely unaware of this situation. Mostly because I rarely go to st911.org. This site (st911) has a lot of good information but as Dr. Jones put it, it is a "very cluttered website". I have never gone to this site for research because the site is a train-wreck.

The in-fighting is ridiculous and certainly does not need to be posted on the front page of the site!! If they need to openly discuss such matters they can do so in a forum.