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10-19-2006, 01:13 PM
The 9/11 Truth Movement Is Filled With Great Salespeople

As a profession, I hate sales. You have to produce something for which you have absolutely no control over. You can't make a person buy something. Ultimately, it is the customer's decision whether or not they are going to give you their money. Provided what you're selling is what they're looking for, and what they want.

As we found out by the latest NYTimes/CBS poll, only 16% of this country believes the official version of events regarding 9/11. How did that happen? Are members of this movement just that good, or is it something else?

The "Debunkers" of this movement like to say things like, "Your facts are a joke", "you are in denial about what happened", "you are conspiradroid morons who like to fabricate reality", and many other nice, and complimentary statements.

If the facts that we cite are a joke, and we are in denial about what happened, then how is it possible that 84% of this country are starting to believe what we have to say?

As I said, I hate sales. Because of that fact, it probably means I'm not very good at it. Again, why are people starting to believe what we have to say?

Could it be that the facts that we cite aren't a joke, and in fact, speak for themselves? Could it be that the questions we have are legitimate, and deserve to be answered?

Truth is the product. One which hasn't been provided by this Government. Anyone who looks at the facts we cite can see that. Anyone who listens to the questions we have can see that.

It's very clear that people are both looking for, and want the truth. As the NYTimes and CBS have proven, it's a very easy sale.