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View Full Version : Bush:We've just started in Iraq -- work in Iraq far from over

04-14-2005, 01:52 AM
We've just started in Iraq: Bush (http://dailytelegraph.news.com.au/story.jsp?sectionid=1268&storyid=2959970) --The US Dictator marked the second anniversary of Baghdad's fall yesterday by thanking soldiers who played a major role in toppling Saddam Hussein – and telling them their work in Iraq was far from over.
[Yes, there are a few Iraqis who have not died in the US bombings or from the Pentagon's depleted Uranium; there are a few acres of farmland that have yet to be seized by Monsanto-and there are future billions in no-bid contracts left to steal by Halliburton.] http://legitgov.org/index.html#breaking_news

http://images.news.com.au/thedailytelegraph/2959974_ainfantry.jpg Soldiers from the 4th Infantry Division listen intently to President Bush as he thanks the troops for their sevice and sacrifice in Iraq, at Ft. Hood, Texas. United States

We've just started in Iraq: Bush

April 14, 2005

BAGHDAD: The US President marked the second anniversary of Baghdad's fall yesterday by thanking soldiers who played a major role in toppling Saddam Hussein – and telling them their work in Iraq was far from over.

In a pep talk to a sea of khaki-clad soldiers at armoured post Fort Hood, George W. Bush said: "The toppling of Saddam Hussein's statue in Baghdad will be recorded alongside the fall of the Berlin Wall as one of the great moments of liberty. [more]


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