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View Full Version : Rep. Suder: UW Must Fire Barrett Now

10-11-2006, 09:04 AM
Rep. Suder: UW Must Fire Barrett Now


(Gold9472: Kevin Barrett is not "anti-semitic", and neither is the book they're referring to.)


For more information, contact: State Representative Scott Suder

Anti-Semitic Textbook is Required Reading in Barrett’s Class

Madison – Recent news accounts of the “textbook” being used by University of Wisconsin Lecturer Kevin Barrett has prompted State Representative Scott Suder (R-Abbotsford) to once again call for Barrett’s firing.

According to a recent news story, a required textbook for students in Barrett's introductory class on Islam features Barrett's fictitious 9/11 conspiracy theory, harsh criticism of the nation of Israel and compares President Bush to Adolf Hitler. Suder has once again called upon the Governor and the Board of Regents to put an end to what has become a continuing national embarrassment for the UW System.

Suder commented after a WKOW Channel 27 News expose detailed the book, “9/11 and American Empire: Muslims, Jews, and Christians Speak Out." The book features Barrett’s mythical notion of the events of September 11th among essays written by fourteen others.

“Jim Doyle’s Board of Regents continues to allow this hateful individual to tarnish the reputation of the University of Wisconsin,” stated Suder. He continued, “The book described in this news story is anti-Semitic and totally revisionist. It’s simply repugnant.”

Suder added, “As recently as last week, Jim Doyle claimed that he wants Kevin Barrett fired. Doyle appointed the Regents who continue to stand behind Barrett’s employment. The Governor could pick up the phone and have Barrett fired today but instead gives lip service where action is needed.”